Global Citizenship
Global Citizenship
The Global Citizenship topic is where you can include work on other initiatives like Fairtrade Schools, and Rights Respecting Schools in your Eco-Schools journey. You might also like to tell us about any fundraising projects for charities, foodbank donations or charitable recycling. Lastly, individual awards like The John Muir Award, and The Duke of Edinburgh's Award are also welcome in this topic.
The Global Citizenship Topic has some natural overlap with Climate Action and Health & Wellbeing.
Interactive lessons and resources to support your work on the Global Citizenship Topic.
Interactive lessons and activities all about making choices that are kinder to the environment.
Create a comic strip about the story of a plastic bottle, a marine animal or anything else!
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Find out about community resilience as a context for learning within Curriculum for Excellence
A resource to support educators' practice in learning and teaching climate change.
Explore how different countries contribute to and experience climate change.
In this activity pupils will look at what different groups of people want from a forest. They will use this information to examine conflicts of interest around forest use.
In this activity, pupils will explore myths and stories relating to trees and forests and use them as inspiration to create their own tales. .
A list of learning activities and curricular links for Global Goal 5.
Perfect for decorating a noticeboard or classroom. Created using materials from the World's Largest Lesson.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on reducing inequalities.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on creating sustainable cities and communities.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on practicing responsible production and consumption.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on building peace, justice and strong institutions.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on creating partnerships for the Global Goals.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on clean water and sanitation.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on affordable and clean energy.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on decent work and economic growth.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on industry, innovation and infrastructure.
Interactive lessons and classroom resources all about sustainable living.
Films and resources made by pupils about how consumer choices can fight climate change.
A discussion of the impacts of climate change being seen in Scotland
Children’s author and illustrator Chris Naylor-Ballesteros joins us to read his wonderful book 'The Suitcase', inviting pupils to explore empathy through a simple but effective activity.
Lesson plans on climate justice and solar lighting from SolarAid and Keep Scotland Beautiful.
Introduction to the concept of sustainability using Boardmaker PCS Symbols
Have a look in your wardrobe and think about how we can take care of our clothes to make them last.
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Learn about how solar ovens can help with fuel shortages in developing countries.