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Global Voices

Global Voices

What does it really mean to be a citizen of today’s world, especially in order to build a better place for all? Is it superhero strength and futuristic skills? Or is it connecting back to our most basic but important human values and the capacities of listening and empathising?

Our Global Citizenship Live Lesson is an invitation to explore these questions and a reminder of the immense capacities of kindness, caring and positive action moved by hope that we humans have, despite all the negative messages that we constantly hear. 

The Live Lesson includes a short, inspiring lesson for Early Years-P3 with children’s author Chris Naylor-Ballesteros; a full morning for P4-P7 classes with workshops delivered by our friends from the British charity Christian Aid and the award-winning children’s author Nicola Davies, and a pre-recorded workshop for High Schools. We are grateful for the support of our friends at Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour and Scottish Book Trust for helping to make these lessons possible.

Activity for all ages: Act of Kindness

As part of the Live Lesson on Global Citizenship and inspired on the messages of empathy, hope and kindness that this lesson wishes to spread, we would like to invite pupils to think of and carry out an act of kindness that they could do that would bring someone a smile. This can be someone in their school, local community, or global community. 

Early Years–P3

Children’s author and illustrator Chris Naylor-Ballesteros joins us to read his wonderful book 'The Suitcase', inviting pupils to explore empathy through a simple but effective activity.

Following the lesson, children can use the activity sheets below to draw a picture of their home and imagine what they would pack in their suitcase if they had to leave. 

Global Voices Live Lesson Storytime: Early Years

Upper Primary (P4-P7)

Workshop 1: What does it mean to be a good global citizen? Or even just a citizen? Emma Gardner from the British charity Christian Aid explores these questions with pupils, including ways we can raise our voices and influence change.

Workshop 2: “Global citizenship starts with a face…” Children’s author and advocate Nicola Davies takes us on a journey through some of her books, including 'The Day War Came', 'The New Girl' and 'King of the Sky', highlighting the connection between empathy, kindness, story sharing and citizenship.

Global Voices Live Lesson: Upper Primary

Following the lesson, pupils are invited to create an influence map using the template below. There are also a selection of resources to take learning further for each of the workshops. 

High Schools

A pre-recorded session to accommodate your own timetable with pause points for discussion and linked activity.

Pupils can take the lesson further by building relationships with older people in the community and learning about their stories. Scottish Book Trust has a fantastic resource to help with this: How to run an intergenerational writing project.

Global Voices Live Lesson: High Schools

All Ages Assembly

An Assembly to wrap up our Global Citizenship Live Lesson. Let's see what we remember, and have a look at some of the work sent in throughout the week.

Global Voices Live Lesson assembly

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Dear World Leaders

Part of Global Citizenship is using our voice to create change.  During the Assembly, we encouraged pupils to send in a message they want the whole world to hear and revisited messages sent to politicians attending COP26 in November 2021 asking them to work together to solve the Climate Emergency.

We received hundreds of letters, drawings, and photographs from schools across Scotland, all with the same message of hope for the future. These messages were put together in this video and a book which was gifted to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

Dear World Leaders

Did you enjoy these lessons?

Then visit our homepage to see what's coming next and register to join in. 

Or watch the recordings of these related lessons:

Dealing with Disinformation - 6 Nov

Join us to learn how to recognise sources of disinformation, how it spreads, and how to counter it in the context of environmental issues. This Live Lesson is aimed at P7 and secondary school pupils, but all are welcome to join. 

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Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home

United by a love of animals, Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home strive to make sure that every pet has the loving home it deserves. Eilidh tells us how the Edinburgh Dog and Cat home is helping both people and pets.

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A Fairtrade Nation

Find out more about Fair Trade and how story telling can help us to better understand how Fair Trade benefits the people who grow, make and produce the things we buy.

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