Biodiversity Live Lessons
Biodiversity Live Lessons
Live Lessons to support your work on Biodiversity.
Each lesson is accompanied by classroom resources. We are grateful for the support of our friends and special guests from the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), Froglife, Fairtrade Foundation, Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour and Scottish Book Trust.
Coming soon...@headTag>
In association with West OS, join us for two Live Lessons exploring the amazing world of bats! In the first lesson we will look at bat biology, their role in the environment, and how to help how flying friends. The second lesson explores the relationship between bats, culture and heritage
Join us for a week of exciting Live Lessons all about our amazing natural world.
Thigibh còmhla rinn airson seachdain de Leasanan Beò inntinneach mu ar saoghal nàdarra iongantach.
Join us for a week of exciting Live Lessons all about our amazing natural world.
Watch again...
Find out more about the work of the RSPB and how you can take part in their amazing Big Birdwatch this January.
Thig còmhla rinn airson leasan inntinneach sa Ghàidhlig a sheallas an obair a bhios an RSPB a’ dèanamh, agus mar a dh’aithnicheas sibh eòin gus an urrainn dhuibh pàirt a ghabhail ann am Big Birdwatch.
Join us for an exciting lesson in Gaelic exploring the work of the RSPB, and how to identify birds so you can take part in the Big Birdwatch.
Join us and our friends from Butterfly Conservation to learn how to sow a wildflower meadow this autumn to support your local butterflies and moths.
A week of interactive lessons on Scotland's natural environment, including lessons from Butterfly Conservation, Buglife and RSPB.
Learn how fascinating our natural environment is, and spark a desire in pupils to learn more about it.
Meet Armadillos and Rhinoceros at Edinburgh Zoo and explore the relationship between Biodiversity and Climate Change with author Sarah Roberts. For EY-P3 P4-P7 and S1-S4.
Froglife’s experts share how to create effective ponds and habitats to attract and support wildlife in your school grounds or at home.
Meet Wolves living at Highland Wildlife Park and learn what caused them to become extinct in Scotland, how powerful words are and how choosing Fairtrade makes a difference. For P3-P7.