Natural Scotland Week 2023 | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content

Natural Scotland Week 2023

Natural Scotland Week 2023

A series of interactive lessons on Scotland's natural environment. 

Bespoke sessions for EY-P3 and Upper Primary to Junior High School pupils.  We were joined by storyteller Allison Galbraith, courtesy of the Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour and Scottish Book Trust. We are also joined by The Woodland Trust, and Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS)

EY to P3

Storyteller and author Allison Galbraith, who also features in our Water Live Lesson, takes us on an imaginary trip to learn about some of Scotland’s wildlife using old folk tales. 

After the lesson, pupils are invited to create their own version of story stick to either re-tale The Magpie’s Nest or to create their own version or story using their own local birds or wildlife. A copy of The Magpie’s Nest can be found below.

Natural Scotland Week 2023 Early Years Story Time Lesson

Upper Primary

A series of interactive lessons, inspiring stories and activities focused on exploring the nature all around us from the rocks to the trees and the stories inspired by them. 

Lesson 1: Native Animals

A lesson by our friends from the RZSS Highland Wildlife Park. Based near the Cairngorms National Park, which is considered to be the most important mountain area in Britain for biological and geological/geomorphological conservation, and home to a quarter of Britain’s threatened species, Jasper Hughes takes pupils on a journey looking at some of these species and why they are so unique.

Following the lesson, pupils are invited to challenge their knowledge about Scotland’s shape and locations, by creating a map as a whole class with the use of a rope. A resource to accompany this activity can be found below. 

Natural Scotland Week 2023 P4-S2 Lesson 1

Lesson 2: Stories From the Rocks

We travel in time to learn about how continents collided millions of years ago to form what is now the UK,  created mountains like today’s Himalayas; and what has happened to these mountains since.

As a follow up activity, pupils are invited to create maps of Scotland with key landmarks. Full details can be found in the resource below. 

Natural Scotland Week 2023 P4-S2 Lesson 2

Lesson 3: Scotland's Rainforest

We are joined by our friends from The Woodland Trust, a charity that many will be familiar with thanks to their free trees for schools and communities. Daniel Aiken shares the beauty and uniqueness of Scotland's rainforest habitat.

As a follow up activity, pupils are invited to populate their map poster with information from this lesson plus extra landmarks that can be found in the resource for Lesson 2.

The Woodland Trust has a series of resources to accompany this lesson on rainforests, should you wish to take learning even further. 

Natural Scotland Week 2023 P4-S2 Lesson 3

Lesson 4: Nature & Old Folk Tales

Our friend Allison Galbraith uses the story ‘The Magpie’s Nest’ as a gateway into the world of some of our native birds. 

Activities after lesson: Pupils are invited to finish their map poster. They are also invited to create their own version of story stick to either re-tale The Magpie’s Nest or to create their own version or story using their own local birds. A copy of The Magpie’s Nest can be found below.

Natural Scotland Week 2023 P4-S2 Lesson 4


Assembly revisiting all concepts learned throughout the week, answering any questions sent to our guests, and displaying all the work shared with us throughout the week.

Natural Scotland Week 2023 Assembly

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Or watch the recordings of these related lessons:

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Natural Scotland Week 2024

A week of interactive lessons on Scotland's natural environment, including lessons from Butterfly Conservation, Buglife and RSPB. 

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