Natural Scotland Week 2024
Natural Scotland Week 2024
Only if we understand, we can care.
Yet, understanding and caring for nature starts with connecting with it and remembering that no matter where we are, we are in nature and we are nature.
We are grateful to our partners from the Scottish Government, Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour, Scottish Book Trust, Wild Spaces (Butterfly Conservation), Buglife and the Royal Society for Protection of Birds (RSPB) for their support in making this week of lessons happen.
Activity for the week: Land Art
To support pupils’ and adults’ connection to nature, we invite pupils to explore the Land Art movement and the work of British artist Andy Goldsworthy, and to create a collective or individual artwork representing what the phrase ‘Nature is Happiness’ feels to them. The competition for completed artworks has now closed, but you can still download the guidance below and have a look at the gallery of entries and winners for inspiration.
View gallery of entries and winners
Early Years to P3
Author and illustrator Sally Anne Garland joins us with her book ‘The Chalk Garden’. She uses her wonderful drawing skills to teach us how to draw some of the bugs we can see in our gardens!
NSW 2024 Early Years Story Time Lesson
P4 to S2@headTag>
Lesson 1: Senses
We start the week with activities to awaken our senses to connect with nature. We journey through our own sensations of the world around us, and also look at what animals can sense that we can't.
Natural Scotland Week 2024 P4-S2 Lesson 1
Lesson 2: Butterfly Conservation
Through their programme Wild Spaces, our friends from Butterfly Conservation join us with a fabulous lesson where we unpack the secrets and beauty of the simplest forms of nature that surround all of us wherever we are: weeds and wildflowers, and their vital role supporting all forms of life, especially butterflies and moths!
Natural Scotland Week 2024 P4-S2 Lesson 2
Lesson 3: Buglife
Many of us are creating bug hotels and gardens to increase and support wildlife in our surroundings. But how much do we actually know about the bugs that we are trying to support? Our friends from Buglife help us discover how spectacular invertebrates are, by looking at some of the common ones we can find in our grounds.
Natural Scotland Week 2024 P4-S2 Lesson 3
Lesson 4: RSPB
We all love birds! And why not? Their calls, their colours and the way they fly are great companions and source of wellbeing. For the final lesson of the week we are joined by our friends from RSPB, with whom we learn why birds are so special, from the common wren to the endangered corncrake.
Natural Scotland Week 2024 P4-S2 Lesson 2
Assembly revisiting all concepts learned throughout the week, answering questions sent to our guests, and displaying all the work shared with us throughout the week.
Natural Scotland Week 2024 Assembly
Resources from our partners to take the lessons further:
Wild Spaces (Butterfly Conservation): Identify a Species
Buglife: Identify a bug
RSPB: Save Our Seabirds Board Game
RSPB: Corncrake Calling Game
Did you enjoy these lessons?
Then visit our homepage to see what's coming next and register to join in.
Or watch the recordings of these related lessons:@headTag>

3 June 2024 at 13.30
Introducing our new topic for Eco-Schools Scotland, this lesson will look into what heritage is, why it is important to explore, record, value and protect our heritage, and how we can do this through Eco-Schools.
Learn how fascinating our natural environment is, and spark a desire in pupils to learn more about it.