Leasan Beò sa Ghàidhlig: RSPB Birdwatch | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content

Leasan Beò sa Ghàidhlig: RSPB Birdwatch

Leasan Beò sa Ghàidhlig: RSPB Birdwatch

‘S e cothrom air leth a tha seo airson faighinn a-mach mu na diofar eòin a chì sibh air feadh Alba. Bidh eòlaiche a tha ag obair airson RSPB a’ bruidhinn ribh sa Ghàidhlig mu na h-ainmean Gàidhlig airson nan eòin agus ciamar as urrainn dhuibh iad aithneachadh. Bidh neach bho Keep Scotland Beautiful an làthair cuideachd gus bruidhinn air na cothroman a th’ againn a thaobh a’ chuspair mhìorbhaileach seo.

This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the different birds you can see across Scotland. An expert who works for RSPB will speak to you in Gaelic about the Gaelic names for the birds and how to identify them. There will also be a representative from Keep Scotland Beautiful present, discussing the opportunities we have connected to this wonderful topic.

Clàraich airson a bhith an làthair

Register to attend

Diciadain an 15mh den Fhaoilleach 2025 11.00-11.45m

Wednesday 15 January 2025 11.00--11.45am


Tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air daoine de gach aois, ach tha an leasan gu sònraichte airson sgoilearan eadar naoi agus trì bliadhna deug a dh’aois.

All ages are welcome, but the lesson is primarily aimed at upper primary and lower secondary pupils. 

Clàraich airson Leasan Beò sa Ghàidhlig: RSPB Birdwatch / Register for RSPB Birdwatch Live Lesson

Interested in attending this lesson in English? Register to attend our English RSPB Big Birdwatch Live Lesson on 15 January at 1.30pm. 

Leasan - 15mh den Fhaoilleach aig 11m

Tha Shona bho RSPB gar stiùireadh tro mar a dh’aithnicheas sibh eòin chumanta a dh’fhaodadh a bhith ri lorg anns na làraichean-sgoile agaibh. Tha i an uair sin a’ mìneachadh mar as urrainn dhuibh crìoch a chur air RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch gus an urrainn dhuibh pàirt làidir a ghabhail ann an gnèithean eòin a tha fìor chudromach.

Às dèidh an leasan, gabhaibh pàirt ann an RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch agus cleachdaibh am Plana-gnìomh againn gus taic a thoirt do dh’eòin anns an sgìre ionadail agaibh (thèid am Plana-Gnìomh fhoillseachadh faisg air ceann-là an leasan).

Shona from RSPB guides us through how to identify common birds that you might find in your school grounds. She then explains how to accurately complete the RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch so that you can contribute to the vitally important monitoring of bird species. 

Following the lesson, take part in the RSPB Big Birdwatch and use our Action Plan to help you support birds in your local area (Action Plan will be published close to the lesson date). 

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