Build a Pond with FrogLife
Build a Pond with FrogLife
This Live Lesson is part of a series of shorter sessions for your class or Eco-Committee featuring the work of experts and organisations, and advice on how they can take action. Designed with upper primary in mind but suitable for all ages.
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Froglife’s experts share how to create effective ponds and habitats to attract and support wildlife. You can view answers to questions from pupils in the lesson in our lesson questions resource.
Following the lesson, you can find our more about the amphibians you might find in your area. You can also plan a pond or toad habitat for your school using the resources below.
Mini Live Lesson: Pond building with Froglife
We are grateful to Froglife for helping to deliver this lesson.
Froglife is a national wildlife conservation charity that proactively works towards improving the conservation of the UK’s reptile and amphibian species and their associated habitats.
We are grateful for the support of our friends at Froglife for their time and collaboration.
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