Current action | Community Litter Hub
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Community Litter Hub

Community Litter Hub

Current action

The National Litter and Flytipping Strategy

In June 2023 the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy was published. It sets out how everyone, from businesses, government and communities can help tackle litter and flytipping. Litter and flytipping are split, and the strategy covers three strategic themes – behaviour change, infrastructure and services, and enforcement. The objectives and approach to delivery can be found in the strategy. An Action Plan for the first year of delivery was published at the same time which outlines 20 actions, alongside lead organisations for each; either Scottish Government, Keep Scotland Beautiful, Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and Zero Waste Scotland. In October, Scottish Government published an update on year 1 and an action plan for year 2.

Marine Litter Strategy

In September 2022 a refreshed Marine Litter Strategy was published. It sets out how we can improve attitudes and behaviours of people and businesses, reduce litter sources, improve data collection and monitoring, remove litter and crucially coordinate efforts regionally (working alongside the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy) and internationally. A Marine Litter Strategy Steering Group support on-going actions and development of this strategy.

Upcoming legislation to tackle litter

There is some legislation due to come into force which addresses both littering behaviours and specific items.

Littered cup


One of the measures in the Circular Economy (Scotland) Act would give Scottish Government powers to introduce a charge on single use items. A Single-Use Disposable Cups Charge Advisory Group has been established and meet to input to implementation of a minimum charge. A public consultation on the charge closed in November 2024.

Littered plastic bottle


Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) will mean people pay a deposit of 20p when buying a single-use drinks container and when that container is returned the deposit is received back. The scheme was delayed until October 2027.

Littered cigarette carton and sauce sachet


Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a concept to ensure producers take responsibility of the environmental impact of their products once they have put them on the market. A UK Packaging EPR scheme is in development through the draft Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging and Packaging Waste) Regulations 2024 which will require producers to pay the full net cost of managing their packaging which may include drinks bottles, cans, crisp packets, sweet wrappers and sandwich packaging. A consultation closed in October 2023 with responses for consideration.

Wet wipe on a beach


After great support for a ban, in April 2024 the Scottish Government announced the supply and sale of wet wipes containing plastic will be banned across the UK, with regulations due to be introduced by the end of 2024 and the ban to come into force 18 months later.


55% of those surveyed as part of the Scottish Litter Survey 2024 report that sightings of single-use-vapes have become common in the past twelve months. The Environmental Protection (Single-use Vapes) (Scotland) Regulations 2024 is currently in draft, due to come into effect in June 2025 which will ban the sale and supply of single-use vapes.

Campaigns and interventions

There are many organisations, and communities, looking to tackle litter and littering behaviour using campaigns and interventions. These can come from local authorities or environmental charities and organisations. There are many examples, some of which can be found in the Resources section including from Keep Scotland Beautiful, Hubbub and greenspace scotland.

In the marine environment KIMO, a network of local governments across eight countries, operate the Fishing for Litter project whereby fishing boats are given big bags to collect the plastics, ghost gear and other debris that gathers in their nets during normal fishing activities.

Community action

Communities and individuals are already taking action to reduce litter and littering behaviour. You can read more about how to take action yourself in the InterventionsLitter pickData collection and Engage in policy pages.

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