Community Litter Hub
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Data collection
There are several organisations coordinating data collection on litter, many of them are Scotland or UK based and some worldwide. Have a look at the below and take part in any you think serves your purpose – whether that be to input to datasets in specific land types, to monitor your neighbourhood or evidence interventions.
A project is currently underway to improve the consistency of litter data as an action under the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy. The aim is to “actively promote, and improve quality and consistency of citizen science to support litter data collection, and complement existing programmes.”
Non specific environments@headTag>
Marine specific environments@headTag>
Many of these datasets form annual reports which highlight any changes in litter found as well as calls for what need to change, find out more in the Importance of data page. Some are data collection systems only and the data is for the users’ needs.