Eco-Committee | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content




Eco-Committee | Award Criteria

  • Your Eco-Committee should be pupil-led as much as possible.
  • All pupils should have the opportunity to be involved in the process of forming your Eco-Committee.
  • All age groups should be represented on your Eco-Committee.
  • Your Eco-Committee should meet at least once every half term.
  • Records are kept by Eco-Committee members of meetings showing how decisions have been made.
  • All pupils contribute their ideas whether they are an Eco-Committee member or not, enabling a whole establishment approach to Learning for Sustainability.

Your Eco-Committee

This video will explain the role of your Eco-Committee, what is involved in membership, and how it could work in your school.

A full playlist of Eco-Schools guidance videos can be found on our YouTube channel. 

Eco-Committee Resources

Eco-Committee Participation Certificate

Template certificate to edit and print.

Application Template

A template to use for pupils applying to the Eco-Committee

Thank You Certificate

Thank a business or community partner for their support.

Meeting Minutes Template

A template for pupils taking minutes during Eco-Committee meetings.

Eco-Schools Social Script

A social script introducing the Eco-Schools programme using Tobii Dynavox PCS symbols.

Eco-Schools Pin Badges

We offer hard enamel pin badges for your Eco-Committee members to wear proudly.  Badges are made in the UK by a low carbon designer and are 84p each excluding VAT.  Please complete this form to order pin badges for your Eco-Committee. 

Order Pin Badges

Eco-Schools Noticeboard

The Eco-Committee is responsible for sharing news about your school's Eco-Schools work with the whole school and wider community and one of the ways they will do that is through an Eco-Schools Noticeboard.  This should be in a central location, visible to everyone in the school.  You could also have a noticeboard in your community for example in a shop, a church or community hall.

Your noticeboard should include:

  • Details of who is on your Eco-Committee so that non-members can contribute ideas.
  • A copy of meeting notes or minutes.
  • A copy of your Eco-Schools Action Plan.
  • Details of current projects and how to get involved.
  • Examples of Measuring
  • Your most recent Green Flag Award certificate.
  • A copy of your Eco-Code

You might also like to include:

  • Press clippings.
  • Photographs of pupils engaged in Eco-Schools activities.
  • Artwork.
  • Schedules or job rotas.
  • Award certificates for related programmes like Rag Bag collections, Mary's Meals etc.

Noticeboard Examples

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