Submit your Entry | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content

Submit your Entry

Submit your Entry

Submitting your entry is easy!  Just fill in the form below.

Questions? Email us at

Your School or Group
An educator or group leader.
We will use your email address to send you updates on the YRE programme and your entry.
Your Entry

If you are in a group - your oldest member.

Please name three places or more (i.e. X, Instagram, a display, school newsletter etc).
Please upload your entry here. Max file size 10MB. PDF, PNG, JPG or DOCX only.
max 140 characters
Where was your photo taken?
Tell us why you think we should keep Scotland beautiful max 100 words
Entries can be published anonymously.

Please tick the box to allow us permission to publish your entry, and send it to the International Competition.

Before you submit your entry, please make sure:


  • Take a photo of a place in Scotland that you think is beautiful.
  • Tell us why we should keep Scotland beautiful in a maximum of 100 words.
  • Use .jpg format and resolution > 150-300 dpi.
  • Tell us three places you have shared your photo.
  • No AI or photoshop please. 

Video Report

  • Show us how you're helping keep Scotland beautiful by yourself or with your group or school.
  • Film in landscape for a maximum of three minutes.
  • You can choose any language you like, but please include English subtitles.
  • Your video should be your own footage. 
  • Tell us three places you have shared your video.
  • No AI or copyrighted music please.

Video Campaign

  • Tell us about an issue we need to fix to help keep Scotland beautiful.
  • Film in portrait for a maximum of one minute.
  • You can choose any language you like, but please include English subtitles.
  • Your video should be your own footage. 
  • Tell us three places you have shared your video.
  • No AI or copyrighted music please.

Written Articles

  • Tell us why you think we should all keep Scotland beautiful by acting on climate change, biodiversity loss or litter.
  • Maximum length of 1,000 words.
  • Write your article in English or provide a translation. 
  • Cite your sources in a bibliography. 
  • Tell us three places you have shared your article.
  • No AI or ChatGPT please.


  • A mini documentary in either audio or video format based on events, interviews or direct observation.
  • Honest and unbiased reporting addressing social/political/historical implications and suggesting a solution.
  • Submit a segment (maximum 5 minutes), and the link to the full podcast.
  • You can choose any language you like, but please include English subtitles.
  • Tell us three places you have shared your podcast.
  • No AI or ChatGPT please.

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