Our Heritage, Our Future
Our Heritage, Our Future
Our Heritage, Our Future
Inspiring community heritage and climate action@headTag>
We recognise the value of our places and their heritage and inspire action to look after them.
Action is being taken in communities across Scotland by volunteers to improve and care for their places. We aim to assist people through our training and community support networks and celebrate success through our awards and accreditations.
Our Heritage, Our Future supports communities to explore, record and protect their heritage through hands-on activities, skills development and youth learning programmes.
We offer a range of activities to help communities to understand the threat that climate change poses to our built, natural and cultural heritage.
Heritage and climate skills
We can work with your community to help to develop a range of heritage skills such as creating guided tours, planning a pop-up museum, carrying out historical research and recording the historic environment. Through these activities you can work towards obtaining a formal qualification or get involved just for fun!

Heritage and climate action in communities
We can support your community to create a bespoke Community Heritage Climate Action Plan. By identifying the heritage buildings, places, traditions and spaces that are important to the community we will explore its future opportunities and threats, including the effects of climate change. Once completed, the plan will be a living document belonging to your community that can be amended and updated over time.

Heritage and climate action in schools
As part of Our Heritage, Our Future, we have developed a new heritage topic for Eco-Schools Scotland which aims to guide young people through the impact that climate change is having on our cultural heritage.
The topic is now live and schools can select Heritage for their Eco-Schools Green Flag award.
If you want to find out more or get involved please contact heritageskills@keepscotlandbeautiful.org.

Our funders@headTag>
Our Heritage, Our Future is made possible with Historic Environment Scotland and The National Lottery Heritage Fund, with thanks to National Lottery players.