Scotland's Climate Week - our contribution | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content

Scotland's Climate Week - our contribution

04 September 2023

Raising awareness of the global climate emergency and inspiring action will be our focus during #ScotClimateWeek – which kicks off on 25 September 2023.

This year #ScotClimateWeek focuses on us all committing to take action in the areas that have the most impact – for example the biggest contributions to climate change in Scotland from individuals are emissions are from car use and heating our homes.

We are pleased to support a focused week of action here in Scotland, providing opportunities for everyone to learn more about climate change and get ready to take meaningful climate action to address our personal and business emissions.

During the week will be engaging with, and supporting, businesses, schools, communities and individuals to ensure they know what they can do at home, work and in their neighbourhoods to combat the climate crisis.

Some of the wide range of activities we will be facilitating and supporting include:

  • Hosting the first of a series of online ‘National Conversations’ linked to our Strategy on the exciting topic of Climate Action In Sport.
  • Running online teaching and education sessions for primary schools, secondary Eco-Committees and educators as part as our second online Schools Climate Action Week  Sessions will including a Q & A with a special guest from the Scottish Government, author and illustrator Mariajo Ilustrajo, the RZSS Highland Wildlife Park and Forth Valley College.
  • Providing Climate Emergency Training to a wide number of organisations, businesses and individuals.
  • Celebrating the work of Fountainbridge Canalside Community Initiative as they work through their Community Climate Heritage Action Plan.
  • Driving forward our own Net Zero plan with key activities aimed at reducing our impact on the planet.

Scotland’s Climate Week is an annual event, which we have supported with activity since 2016. Each year we have scaled up our contribution with the aim if making more impact than ever before so we can support Scotland’s ambition to become a Net Zero Nation as soon as possible.

Check out the resources available from the Scottish Government and ‘Let’s Do Net Zero’!

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