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We can help your organisation learn how the Climate Emergency relates to Scotland's tourism sector and how to respond effectively.

Our accredited Climate Emergency Training for Scotland's Tourism Sector will help upskill organisations/businesses and people involved with the sector, so they have the knowledge required to successfully respond to the Climate Emergency and help move towards net zero.

Tourism supports well over 200,000 jobs in Scotland and is identified by the Scottish Government as a growth sector. But with increasing risks from climate change impacts, plus changing market expectations, rising costs, and new regulation to reduce greehouse gas emissions, there are multiple challenges for the sector. And it's tourism businesses that understand and adapt to these changes and challenges which will be most resilient going forwards.

Who is this training for?

Businesses and organisations involved with Scotland's tourism sector. You might offer accommodation, tours, a visitor attraction, food and drink, or be one of the myriad of organisations supporting the sector.

Scotland's Tourism Sector covers a vast array of businesses and organisations, and we can deliver training to staff of all levels and roles - from self-employed tour guides through to hotel managers.

Why take this training?

This training will help upskill organisations and people involved with Scotland's tourism sector, so they have the knowledge required to successfully respond to the Climate Emergency and help move towards net zero.

We include tourism specific content to help you:

  • Understand how Scotland's tourism sector, and what tourists come to see, will be impacted by climate change.
  • Understand greenhouse gas emission sources, in Scotland's tourism sector and your organisation.
  • Learn how tackling emissions within the sector and your organisation can develop more efficient, cost-effective and resilient operations.
  • Find out co-benefits of tackling emissions, such as responding to demand for greener tourism, and making Scotland a more attractive place to visit.
  • Understand the science of climate change and the meaning of terms like 'Climate Emergency', ‘global warming’, ‘climate change’, ‘net zero’ and ‘carbon footprint’.

What certification will you get?

  • The course is accredited to meet the Carbon Literacy Standard by the Carbon Literacy Project, and participants that successfully complete the course receive a certificate confirming that they are Carbon Literate.
  • Organisations can move towards Carbon Literate Organisation status.

Training delivery and adaption options

  • 8 hours of learning over 4 modules, which is delivered online through a combination of interactive live sessions and self-study activities.
  • To ensure that the learning is relevant to your context there are opportunities to work with us to insert your own materials

Why train with us for your tourism training?

  • We've got experience of delivering the training to businesses, organisations and people involved in the tourism industry across Scotland. This includes bodies representing the sector at a national and regional scale, major visitor attractions and hotels.
  • This training is fully accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project to be delivered to the tourism sector in Scotland, so you can be assured of the quality of the course.

What's the cost of the training?

Starting price (excluding VAT) for training is outlined below.

Training course for cohort of up to 10 participants



Training course for cohort of up to 10 participants



Additional participants (up to 5 more per cohort)

Online & in-person

£100 per participant

Carbon Literacy certification and administration

Online & in-person

£15 per participant

Adaptation fee - work with us to insert your materials (optional)

Online & in-person


Develop new sector-based course (optional)

Online & in-person

From £3,000


*In-person training may also include additional costs which we will discuss with you and outline in your personalised training proposal.

What's the process to develop a course?

Please get in touch with our Environment and Place Services Manager, Katie Murray to discuss your requirements and timescales.

Katie Murray
Get in touch with:
Katie Murray
Development Manager, Environment and Place Services

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