Awards | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content



The Premier Award – called The Rosebowl Trophy – is given to the overall winner across all categories, receiving the highest overall marks.

In addition, there are Category Awards for the best entrant in each category. They are as follows:

  • Wee Village
  • Small Village
  • Large Village
  • Small Town
  • Medium Town
  • Large Town
  • Small City
  • City
  • Coastal Village
  • Coastal Town Trophy (The David Kerr Coastal Resort Trophy)
  • Residential Community
  • Urban Community
  • BID
  • Town Centre and City Centre Trophy

There are also a series of Discretionary Awards for outstanding performance in particular areas. They are:

Community Horticulture Award:Presented to the community entrant that demonstrates particularly good practice in community horticulture.

Jim Murdie Award for Sustainability:Presented to the community entrant that demonstrates best practice in sustainability, relating to the Beautiful Scotland campaign aims of horticultural achievement, environmental responsibility and community participation; for example, this might focus on elements such as permanent planting; good resource management; community activity to ensure the future continuity of the group’s work.

Garden for Life Biodiversity Award:Presented to the entrant that demonstrates the greatest commitment to conserving habitats and raising awareness of local biodiversity.

VisitScotland Award for Tourism: Presented to the entrant that demonstrates best practice in the promotion of tourism, supporting where possible the Beautiful Scotland campaign aims.  For example, local heritage or eco-tourism projects are particularly relevant to this award.

Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society Award: Presented to the local authority that demonstrates the highest standard of horticulture in public open spaces.

Wright Sustainability Award:Presented to the local authority that demonstrates best practice in sustainability, relating to the Beautiful Scotland campaign aims of horticultural achievement, environmental responsibility and community participation; for example, this might focus on elements such as permanent planting; good resource management; and measures to maximise engagement with the wider community in the Beautiful Scotland initiative.

Community Involvement Award: Presented to the entrant that demonstrates the greatest community involvement throughout the year in the Beautiful Scotland campaign themes.  All sectors of the community should be shown to be involved in the local activities.

David Welch Memorial Award for Something Special: Presented to the entrant that demonstrates particular commitment to the Beautiful Scotland campaign themes with an interesting, unusual or creative project.

New Entrant Award:Presented to a first-time entrant or entrant returning after a break of five or more years, that best demonstrates endorsement and development of the Beautiful Scotland campaign themes.

Keep Scotland Beautiful Award: Presented to the entrant that demonstrates consistency, significant progress from the previous year, and particular commitment to the Beautiful Scotland campaign pillars.

RHS Scotland Award for Resilience and Overcoming Adversity: Presented to the entrant that has overcome challenging circumstances (e.g. flooding; budget cuts; tackling giant hogweed etc.) and shown significant resilience and impressive commitment to improving their local environment through joined-up community action.

Young People Award: Launched in 2018 (supported by Young Scot) and awarded to the entrant that demonstrates the most effective involvement by young people (aged up to 26) within their Beautiful Scotland campaign.

Haddington 700 Award: Launched in 2018 (supported by East Lothian Council) and presented to the entrant that has developed or restored a feature or initiative that celebrates local history or community traditions through horticulture.

Nature and Biodiversity and our 25th Anniversary Award: A one-off award for 2025 - 2025 is the 25th anniversary of Keep Scotland Beautiful as an independent charity, and we thought we’d honour this through our theme, which will focus on nature and biodiversity. You might like to get creative to weave a physical or symbolic silver thread through planting projects, activities and events.

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