HCWP share & repair at the CCS Highland Forum | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content

HCWP share & repair at the CCS Highland Forum

25 September 2024

On Tuesday 24 September, a number of the HCWP Partners attended the Circular Communities Scotland (CCS) Highland Forum, hosted at Green Hive in Nairn.

The day kicked off with an exploratory meeting around setting up a Highland Repair Network, led by HCWP partner Transition Black Isle, with the support of the CCS Share & Repair Network.

Bringing together representatives from a number of Highland repair initiatives, the group discussed some of the common challenges of providing share & repair services in the Highlands, often relying on volunteers, and discussed some opportunities and actions for going forward. Anyone interested in joining the Highland Repair Network is invited to contact Laura Donnelly at: laura@transitionblackisle.org

Later on, in the main session, Partnership Coordinator Georgina Massouraki and LUCT Officer Catriona Scott introduced our new Highland Repair Directory to attendees, which launched earlier this month.  People are encouraged to explore the directory to find repair services nearby and also add themselves to the directory if they offer such a service.

Georgina commented: "It is always inspiring and invigorating to attend events like this, for a chance to connect with others working on these issues, hear different perspectives and remind ourselves that we are part of a bigger movement for change.

We are grateful to CCS for the opportunity to attend and present at this event and look forward to working with colleagues across the CCS Network in the future"

The day culminated with a tour of the new Zero Waste Fabric Store on-site, as well as the Green Hive workshop, where the team turn waste and littered plastics into useful materials and objects for the community.

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