Celebrating a week of Climate Action in schools | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content

Celebrating a week of Climate Action in schools

30 September 2024

More than 8,000 pupils joined our week of diverse Live Lessons during Scotland’s Climate Action Week, which coincided with Scottish Climate Week. 

From classes travelling in space and time with author Cindy Forde to see a Bright New World, to building sustainable homes with Nicola Marshall from Jacobs, to remotely meeting wolves and owls at the Highland Wildlife Park and enjoying a rainy tour of the Royal Botanic Gardens (from the warmth and dry of the classroom), the programme of Live Lessons offered something for all.

We invited pupils from all years to imagine what their house would look like in the future taking on board adaptations to mitigate the impacts of Climate Change and were delighted that so many children and young people shared their designs with us via social media.

Andrea Gabriel, our Education and Learning Manger said: “We know how much children and young people in Scotland care about their environment and it was fantastic to be able to link them to organisations and people doing so much to look after our environment and wildlife and take them on virtual tours to see how we could reimagine our future homes.

“We continue to support Scotland’s educators, young people and children to progress Learning for Sustainability and climate change education and were delighted to receive a key-note address from Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy Ms Gillian Martin to play to pupils at our celebratory Live Assembly on Friday – we were particularly hearted to hear her talk positively about the actions all those we work with are taking to help combat the climate emergency. ”

In her address Acting Cabinet Secretary Ms Martin said: “Stories are a really powerful tool for connecting people and inspiring action.  For me, the most inspiring stories of change often come from children and young people like you.  This assembly is an important opportunity for you to share some of those stories – to celebrate, to learn and to inspire one another.

“I want to say a big thank you to the pupils and staff across Scotland for the amazing climate actions that you are taking in your schools and wider communities.” 

All Climate Action Week 2024 Live Lesson recordings can be watched again, and resources accessed so if you missed out there is a chance to catch up. 

“The live lesson was fab, it linked in very nicely to our topic and was so engaging for the class! Thank you so much”. [participating teacher]

“I think it's very good because it's very clear and they really make you understand it”. [participating pupil]

We are grateful to the continued support of our partners from the Scottish Government, Scottish Book Trust, Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), Jacobs, The Scottish Ecological Design Association and the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh for their support delivering these lessons. 

Our next live lesson is on Wednesday 2 October and will be delivered jointly with the Butterfly Conservation on Autumn meadow sowing.  

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