Conscious Consumption exhibition continues to tour the Highlands | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content

Conscious Consumption exhibition continues to tour the Highlands

16 August 2024

Mobile Conscious Consumption exhibition moves to its third Highland location.

The Highland Community Waste Partnership (HCWP) Conscious Consumption exhibition has moved on to Fortrose Community Library on the Black Isle with help from Transition Black Isle. It will remain there until Saturday 7 September for the Black Isle Repair Cafe - A Highland Climate Festival Event before moving to a new location within the Highlands.

This is the third location for the exhibition, having previously been displayed at the West Highland Museum in Fort William and the Macphail Centre in Ullapool. 

Sya Bruce, Network Librarian, said:

" We are delighted that Laura Donnelly, HCWP Project Officer for Transition Black Isle has brought the Highland Community Waste Partnership's fantastic Conscious Consumption exhibition to Fortrose Library. The exhibition aims to raise awareness around the way we consume,  the choices available to us and what we can all do to reduce the amount of resources that we use and waste,  through our daily habits. Please pop in over the next few weeks to take a look and learn ways in which you can reduce waste and be more conscious about what you consume!"

If you are interested in hosting the exhibition in your space, please get in touch.


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