Major recruitment drive to build sustainable consumption movement in the Highlands | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content

Major recruitment drive to build sustainable consumption movement in the Highlands

04 February 2022

Following our announcement last month of our successful funding bid, the Highland Community Waste Partnership is now recruiting for a total of nine posts, that will work together, both within and between their respective partner organisations, to bring the programme to life across the Highlands.

This is a core part of the funding and these post-holders will be crucial to the delivery of the programme and its objectives.

Funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and coordinated by Keep Scotland Beautiful, the Highland Community Waste Partnership is a collaboration between eight partner community groups to build a Highland-wide movement for waste reduction and more sustainable consumption. It will do this through a suite of education, awareness raising and behaviour change interventions focusing on the following key outcomes:

Outcome 1: Increase public understanding of how unsustainable consumption choices and patterns contribute to climate change.

Outcome 2: Increase use of pre-loved, repaired and shared goods.

Outcome 3: Reduce food waste and lower emissions related to residual food waste.

Outcome 4: Reduce single-used items and unnecessary packaging and improve recycling of residual.

Each partner will lead on activities that match their interests and expertise, whilst all collaborating to connect activities and resources across the region and engage all stakeholders -individuals, community groups, businesses, the council and beyond- to play their part in the crucial transition towards a more circular economy and a Net Zero future. In practical terms, this will involve contributing to educational training and events, supporting programme communications and also leading or supporting specific interventions, all within the scope of the programme outcomes.

The posts being advertised across the Partnership are as follows:

   Partner organisation    Post
   Keep Scotland Beautiful    Project Officer ( HCWP)
   Keep Scotland Beautiful    Engagement Officer (HCWP)
   Thurso Community Development Trust    Project Officer (HCWP)
   Lairg & District Learning Centre    Project Manager (existing post)
   Broadford & Strath Community Company    Community Waste Officer
   Ullapool Community Trust    Community Development Officer - Environment
   Transition Black Isle    Project Officer - HCWP
   Velocity Café and Bicycle Workshop    HCWP: Inverness Project Officer
   Lochaber Environmental Group    HCWP – Lochaber Project Officer
Highland Good Food Partnership    HCWP - Project Officer

The programme is due to commence in April and will run for three years, until March 2025.

Programme Coordinator Georgina Massouraki said “The Highland Community Waste Partnership is a very ambitious and exciting programme which sits at the cutting edge of the national and indeed global sustainability agendas.

“With 80% of Scotland’s carbon footprint coming from the materials, goods and services that we consume, this programme is a chance to get to the heart of the matter, working with communities and places in the Highlands to build learning and create value both in terms of supporting community development, improving environmental quality as well as reducing carbon emissions and combatting climate change.

“Thanks to The National Lottery, the exciting programme will tackle key issues in the way that we currently consume and waste and help lead the way for Scotland to transition towards a more circular economy and a Net Zero future”.

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