Ninewells Community Garden | Climate and Nature Friendly Communities Network Skip to main content
It's Your Neighbourhood

Ninewells Community Garden

Dundee City

2024 Certificates
Level 5 - Outstanding
Certificate of Distinction

In 2024, Ninewells Community Garden was selected by Keep Scotland Beautiful as the winner of the Scottish level of the Gardening for Health and Wellbeing Award, one of five new RHS Community Awards. The group was then put forward to the UK level, and won the overall 2024 RHS Gardening for Health and Wellbeing Award. Find out more.

Ninewells Community Garden has focused its efforts on the needs of the communities it serves. A small charity working in partnership with voluntary and statutory services, the garden is a place of refuge that promotes healing, an understanding community that makes it easy to share feelings and concerns. They are focused on increasing participation for volunteers experiencing disadvantage as a result of life circumstances and have steadily increased their growing space. People are coming through word of mouth, from local social prescribers and local services. Being active outdoors, learning new skills and contributing to their local community are the major drivers.

In 2023, Ninewells Community Garden received Certificates of Recognition in the NatureScot It's Your Neighbourhood Pollinator Friendly Award and our 2023 Health and Wellbeing theme public vote.

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