Growing Matters | Climate and Nature Friendly Communities Network Skip to main content
It's Your Neighbourhood

Growing Matters

East Lothian

2024 Certificates
Level 5 - Outstanding
Certificate of Distinction

In 2023, Growing Matters received a Certificate of Recognition in the NatureScot It's Your Neighbourhood Pollinator Friendly Award.

Growing Matters is a small charity maintaining and developing the old four-acre kitchen garden at Gilmerton House, East Lothian. Biodiversity is key to their approach, and they strive to cultivate pollinator friendly plants. The garden is completely run by volunteers, and they are always anxious to recruit more. The group are able to provide advice for novice gardeners and can provide a whole range of gardening activities, facilitating social and therapeutic experiences. The garden contains shrubs, fruit, flowers, vegetables and willow and they have a polytunnel and craft building, providing a venue for courses in willow weaving and beekeeping.

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