Neat Streets
Neat Streets
Neat Streets was grounded in our previous ‘nudge’ research, including the No Butts On Rose Street campaign. The interventions included:
- A 'My street is your street' photo gallery and posters
- Bins wrapped to make them extremely eye catching
- Cigarette ballot bins and concertina ashtrays - a first for the UK
- Fancy dress bin men to encourage late night festival goers to put their litter in a bin
- A festival litter bin
All interventions were supported with a full monitoring and evaluation schedule to assess their effectiveness.
Neat Streets was a result of a collaboration between us, Hubbub (a charity which explores innovative ways to interest consumers in important sustainability issues), The City of Edinburgh Council, local residents and shopkeepers from the Greater Grassmarket Business Improvement District (BID) area.

Grassmarket Trashconverters
Bottle of coin?
#NeatStreets Grassmarket