Climate and Nature Friendly Communities Network
Climate and Nature Friendly Communities Network
Climate and Nature Friendly Communities Network
We would love to support, connect and celebrate your community growing project through our FREE Climate and Nature Friendly Communities Network.
Join more than 250 groups across Scotland and be supported, recognised and celebrated through our Beautiful Scotland and It’s Your Neighbourhood initiatives.
Both are part of the UK wide Royal Horticultural Society's (RHS) Britain in Bloom campaign and are FREE to take part in.
You'll get access to annual support, networking, resources and national recognition from us and from the RHS, under the three pillars of community participation, environmental responsibility and gardening/horticultural achievement.
Supporting you to improve our local communities@headTag>
Ensure a thriving and valued network of more than 200 communities continues to empower and bring volunteers of all ages together as they work to make the Scotland we all love more beautiful.
Use our interactive map to find out where our Beautiful Scotland and It's Your Neighbourhood groups are across the country.