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Two weeks in, four to go: #SpringCleanScotland 2024 update

29 March 2024

We are two weeks in to #SpringCleanScotland 2024 – not that the weather got the memo. 

Volunteers litter picking across the country have braved biblical rain, hailstones and high winds in between the limited bursts of sunshine.

There has been some incredible activity since we launched on March 15, and more than 15,000 people across Scotland have committed to action over the six weeks.

Here is just a snapshot of some of the incredible activities which have been happening since we launched:

  • Sea The Change shone a light on the power of collaboration and embodied the theme of communities and the benefits of working together. The Berwickshire Big Spring Clean brought together 360 volunteers to pick up 3,470kg of litter from the Berwickshire coast and countryside at 32 different litter picks. 
  • NatureScot have embraced our Nature theme in style this year, not only with a clean-up at Blawhorn Nature Reserve but hosting a podcast on #SpringCleanScotland and interviewing our Campaigns Coordinator Heather alongside Ross Dempster from Beyond Adventure, a strong supporter of our campaigns. 
  • We’ve worked with the Marine Conservation Society in Scotland to tackle marine litter as one of our themes, and so far 130 people have taken part in a clean up this Spring Clean collecting 412.7kg of litter.
  • Three of #TeamKSB attended a litter pick with East Haven Together this week, filling a skip with waste in under an hour.
  • Young people across Scotland are also battling the litter emergency and each other as they litter pick to claim glory in this year’s Litter League Challenge. So far more than 1,000 young people have taken part in this year’s challenge.
  • 23 Sustrans volunteers from 13 local authority areas were sent #2minutecleanup bags, and 18 have signed up to compete a 6 week litter picking challenge. Already they have litter picked for 39 hours with more to come.

As many of us enjoy the Easter break this weekend,  it’s never been a better time to get involved, and we have plenty of opportunities for you too.

  • Check out our Spring Clean map to find out what is happening near you and go along and join in.
  • Join us and do a litter survey over the coming weeks to help us collect data on single use packaging.
  • Share our messages so people can learn about the litter emergency and what action is being taken.
  • Celebrate the success of your litter pick with us on social media by tagging @KSBScotland.

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