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New Community Litter Hub launched

03 April 2024

A new online national Community Litter Hub has been unveiled following nine months of development as part of our work to support Scotland’s National Litter and Flytipping Strategy and deliver key sections of the 2023/24 Action Plan. 

The litter hub provides a dedicated place for individuals, communities, organisations and businesses to find information, advice and resources to inspire action and empower people to tackle the litter emergency and littering behaviours.   

Paul Wallace, our Campaigns and Social Innovation Manager, said: “We have worked closely with local authorities, members of a Community Reference Group, and a number of other stakeholders to develop and test the national online litter hub and I would like to thank them for all the time and expertise they brought to the project. 

"Scotland has a litter emergency and our communities and our environment are being impacted by this in many ways, from enjoyment and pride in an area to the financial costs of removing it, to the impact on tourism and biodiversity.

"Whether you want to learn more, report issues or take long lasting action with your friends, family or neighbours, you will find resources on many topics, and links to other relevant organisations, on the hub."

Everyone has a role to play in reducing litter and our work to support the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy has emphasised how important it is to collaborate and share information.   

The community litter hub provides information on topics including legislation and policy, reporting, interventions, litter picking, data collection and action being taken by businesses.

*The work, supported by funding from the Scottish Government, was undertaken as part of the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy which sets out a refreshed approach to tackling litter and flytipping in Scotland.

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