Thurso single-use packaging pilot | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content

Thurso single-use packaging pilot

19 November 2023

Thurso Community Development Trust, as part of the Highland Community Waste Partnership, has teamed up with Thurso High School to run a pilot project offering merits and prizes for reducing waste from single-use packaging.

Over the academic year 2022/23, only four per cent of pupils remembered to bring their reusable container to hospitality classes every time, which resulted in over a thousand single-use containers being given away by the school. Most are then discarded in general waste.

Staff say they hate seeing the amount of waste generated every day at the school.

The new project will support the school to provide food containers for hospitality classes in line with the Cost of the School Day Programme, an initiative that seeks to mitigate the impact of financial inequality.

Oksana Latsiuta, HCWP Project Officer for Thurso CDT, said: “I am incredibly excited and grateful for this opportunity that Thurso High School have given us to work with their students!

"Even though the active phase of our #beasolution campaign hasn’t commenced yet, we are already noticing some positive changes, even though subtle so far, and certainly seeing a lot of interest to our movement.

"We have faith in young people of Thurso and are convinced that with gentle guidance, some motivation and education, they will succeed in shifting their behaviour towards less wasteful and more sustainable lifestyle.”

Learn more about our waste reduction initiatives to reduce single use items and packaging here.

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