Our draft response to National Litter and Flytipping Strategy consultation is published | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content

Our draft response to National Litter and Flytipping Strategy consultation is published

22 March 2022

Ahead of the deadline of 31 March, we have published our draft response to the Scottish Governments ongoing consultation on a new National Litter and Flytipping Strategy for Scotland.

Our recently published research shows that 88% of Scots agree that litter is a problem across Scotland and our team of trained assessors have recorded a worrying trend of decline, specifically in urban areas.

We’ve been working for decades, with partners, to tackle the many complex behaviours that drive these trends and make it easy for people to do the right thing.  We know that there isn’t a quick, or cheap, fix. 

We know that almost everyone has an opinion on litter - about why people litter and what needs to be done to tackle the behaviours that lead to litter.  So, we were pleased that the Scottish Government launched a consultation on a new National Litter and Flytipping Strategy for Scotland in December 2021. 

This year we have supported people across Scotland to have their voices heard during a series of webinars and online events to ensure responses made to the ongoing consultation by the Scottish Government on a new National Litter and Flytipping Strategy for Scotland include the views of those we work with and support. 

We have listened to young people, to communities, to businesses and to local authorities.  Now we have published our draft response to the ongoing consultation.  We urge you to read our answers to the questions about litter and to make your own response before the end of March.  If litter annoys you – now is the chance to have #YourSayOnLitter

Read our draft response to the litter section here.  We will amend as we continue to refine our response which can be accessed here.

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