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Shaping and influencing policy - November 2021

09 November 2021

Over the recent months, we have continued our efforts to help set a positive policy agenda for the green recovery, both through working collaboratively with close partners and our engagement with key local and national policy developments.

Strategic engagement and working collaboratively

In July we were pleased to announced the support of VisitScotland for our Summer Clean. In August we announced that building on the success of the campaign on the river Clyde, we were launching our source-to-sea litter campaign Upstream Battle on the Tay.

In September we supported Scotland’s Climate Week, which we have done since 2016, engaging with and supporting businesses, schools, communities and individuals to ensure they know what they can do at home, work and in their neighbourhoods to combat climate change.

Between August and October we participated in a short term working group hosted by Scotland’s Landscape Alliance, working with a range of stakeholders to answer the question of how landscape can help address the issues of inequality and exclusion faced by those in our deprived communities and sectors.


Developing and engaging with policy

In recent months we have engaged with a wide range of significant policy areas, submitting a number of responses to significant consultations. In August we submitted a response to the Energy and Fair Work Committee on the National Strategy For Economic Transformation. In September we responded to two consultations - the Draft Edinburgh 2030 Climate Strategy and the Historic Environment Scotland Grants Refresh consultation.

Last month we hosted Scotland’s Local Environmental Quality Seminar 2021/22, providing an opportunity for a broad range of stakeholders from all sectors to come together and discuss how we can improve local environmental quality across Scotland. As part of this event, Màiri McAllan, Minister for Environment, Biodiversity and Land Reform gave the key note address and the Scottish Government provided an update on the new national litter and flytipping strategy, which we have been involved with contributing to alongside other key partners in recent months.


Demonstrating expertise and credibility

In recent months we have continued to make significant advances in our Climate Emergency Training work. We have recently developed and delivered courses in partnership with clients including Architecture and Design Scotland and Scottish Borders Council along with partnering with McLaughlin & Harvey, GRAHAM, McAleer & Rushe, and Henry Brothers to develop Climate Emergency Training to help the construction sector take action to tackle the climate crisis.

Throughout this period, we have continued in our role as Vice Chair of the SDG Scotland Steering Group. We have also continued to work with Skills Development Scotland to further the Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan, sitting on the Climate Emergency Skills Implementation Group.

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