Water Live Lesson 2022
Water Live Lesson 2022
Our blue planet has five immense oceans and 113 seas. They represent 72 percent of the surface of the globe and are or have been connected, one way or another, to every molecule of water that can be found on Earth and inside every living being.
This Live Lesson is all about Water, with special guests from the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RSZZ), and Storyteller Allison Galbraith courtesy of Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour and Scottish Book Trust.
Primary Schools
Meet the Penguins at Edinburgh Zoo and learn about endangered Flapper Skates. Hear stories about Scottish legends of mermaids and kelpies, and learn how much water it takes to make some every day things.
Further resources to accompany each lesson can be found below.
Live Lesson for primary schools - Water
Review your learning about Flapper Skates from the lesson and find out how to identify shark's egg cases.
Write your own folktale inspired by Allison Galbraith.
Find out how many resources it takes to make paper by making your own.
An Assembly to wrap up our Water Live Lesson. Let's see what we remember, and have a look at some of the work sent in throughout the week.
Live Lesson assembly - Water
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Or watch the recordings of these related lessons:@headTag>
Natural history cameraman Doug Allan shares his experiences filming wildlife and his thoughts on the plastics threatening our oceans.
Froglife’s experts share how to create effective ponds and habitats to attract and support wildlife in your school grounds or at home.