Spring Clean Week 2025 | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content

Spring Clean Week 2025

Spring Clean Week 2025

Timed with the start of our Spring Clean Campaign, these lessons look into more unusual types of waste, and focus on how Reduce, Reuse, Recycle can help us tackle litter and waste at its origin.

This year's lessons cover all areas of the curriculum through the lens of Learning for Sustainability with follow up resources for each lesson to take learning further. 

We are grateful to our friends from the Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour and Scottish Book Trust, for support with this year's lessons.

Timetable and registration

Lessons for all ages: Monday 17 to Thursday 20 March 9.30-10.15am. 

Leasan sa Ghàidhlig: Diardaoin 20 Màrt 11m -11:45m

(Lesson in Gaelic: Thursday 20 March 11.00-11.45am)

All ages Assembly Friday 21 March 9.30-10.00am. 

See below for details of each lesson and activities for the week. 

Register for Spring Clean Week (English lessons)

Activities for the week:

As part of Scottish Spring Clean 2024, we would like to invite participating classes to join us in making Scotland cleaner:

  • Adopt a place near you that you want to keep beautiful, either in your school or in your community. Look after this place for the week by carrying out litter picks and taking part in the follow up activities from the week's lessons. 
  • Take a photo of your place and send it to us for our Young Reporters for the Environment 30th birthday competition. Tell us why is is important to keep this place beautiful and your photo could feature in our 30th Anniversary calendar and you could win a cash prize. 
  • Record your litter pick in our Litter League schools competition and help your Local Authority area claim the trophy! Please remember to register your pick (you can do it before or after the event). This lets us know how much litter is getting cleaned up, and how many people are joining in the effort. Every future Spring Clean litter pick registered before 17 March on our members site with be entered into a draw to win one of two Helping Hand Environmental £100 vouchers! Every pick is an entry, so no matter how big or small your pick is remember to register and you might be one of our lucky winners.

Full details of these activities can be found in our Adopt a Place resource below.

Lessons for all ages

Lesson 1: Creating Poetry to Tackle Waste

Join Joseph Coelho for a highly interactive lesson in poetry. Joseph takes suggestions from the audience to create poems around the topics of reusing and recycling, covering Languages and Expressive Arts. 

Follow up resource to help pupils compose their own poems coming soon.

Lesson 2: Tidying up our digital environment

Yvonne Skipper from the University of Glasgow discusses how our digital space has become littered and how we can start to clean it up. Yvonne guides us through how to be kind online, how to deal with issues online and who to report them to, and how to support people on the receiving end of digital littering, covering Technologies and Health and Wellbeing. 

Follow up resource on how to have a digital spring clean coming soon. 

Lesson 3: The story of a crisp packet

Most of us have heard of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, but what does this really look like for items we use every day? Join us to go on an interactive journey with a crisp packet to see what it's fate could be and how we can help to tell a story that is kinder to our environment, covering Science and Maths. 

Follow up litter investigation resource coming soon. 

Lesson 4: Working with your community to tackle litter and waste

Tackling litter and waste is a big task, but it can be made much easier if we find people to help us. In this lesson we look at examples of how schools have worked with their local community, and how historically communities have pulled together to take on big problems. This lesson covers Social Studies and Religious & Moral Education. 

Follow up resource on how to connect with your local community coming soon.  


Assembly revisiting all concepts learned throughout the week, answering questions sent to our guests, and displaying all the work shared with us throughout the week.

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Join in!

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