Spring Clean Week 2024
Spring Clean Week 2024
Timed with the start of our Spring Clean Campaign, these lessons look into more unusual types of waste, and focus on how the 3Rs can help us tackle litter and waste at its origin.
We are excited to welcome guests from Ostrero and are grateful to our partners from the Scottish Government, Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour and Scottish Book Trust for their support in making this week of lessons happen.
Activities for the week:
As part of Scottish Spring Clean 2024, we invited participating classes to join us in making Scotland cleaner. Our Spring Clean 2024 campaign has now finished, but you can have a look at our Spring Clean webpage to find out more about our upcoming campaigns and how much litter was collected last year.
Alongside these lessons you can take part in the following activities:
- Adopt a favourite place to look after during the week, either in your school or in your community, and carry out litter picks.
- Take a photo or record a <3 minute long video telling us about your favourite or adopted place and what you’re doing to look after it.
Lessons for all ages@headTag>
Lesson 1: It's Only One
We start the lessons with Welsh author Tracery Corderoy and her book ‘It’s Only One’. Tracey’s lesson combines reading her book and having a conversation with us, where we find out from how one becomes an author to why she wanted to write a book about litter. Tracey appears in this lesson courtesy of Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour and Scottish Book Trust.
Spring Clean 2024 Lesson 1
Lesson 2: Binbag Autopsy
As the first step in solving a litter problem is finding out what is being dropped and where it’s coming from. In this lesson we do a live demonstration of a ‘Binbag Autopsy’.
Following the lesson use our resource to try a binbag autopsy yourself. You can also use our litter A-Z resource as part of your binbag autopsy or a litter pick.
Spring Clean 2024 Lesson 2
Lesson 3: School Canteen Waste
Through this lesson we look at different types of waste that can be produced through school canteens and potential ways to manage them. This includes paper, plastic and compostable containers, wooden and compostable cutlery, along with ideas for reducing food going into waste.
Following the lesson use our lunch waste audit resource to find out what waste is being created in your lunch hall.
Spring Clean 2024 Lesson 3
Lesson 4: How Can We Reduce Waste?
Our friends from Ostrero join us for this lesson discussing how to identify ways to cutting waste at school, using their knowledge gained through their programme Making Circles.
You can find the resource mentioned during the lesson below. See how many ways you can find to cut your classroom waste.
Spring Clean 2024 Lesson 4
Assembly revisiting all concepts learned throughout the week, answering questions sent to our guests, and displaying all the work shared with us throughout the week.
Spring Clean 2024 assembly
Further Learning: Tackling Litter
Rewatch our National Conversation on tackling litter, which took place on 23 January 2024, chaired by our Chief Executive Barry Fisher and featuring a key note address from broadcaster Sean Batty and panellists including environmental ambassador Mike Scotland, Decathlon store manager Ryan Wood, Director of Low Impact Living (LIL) Louise Hastie and environmental campaigner and ethical influencer Laura Young.
We are grateful to Ostrero for helping to deliver this lesson.
Ostrero works to grow the Circular Economy in Scotland through mindset change and education by raising awareness of what the Circular Economy is and how vitally important it is to Scotland’s economic and environmental wellbeing. Find out more about their work and download resources on their website.
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This week of Live Lessons accompanies our annual Spring Clean Campaign. Find out how you can help us keep Scotland looking beautiful by organising a Clean Up in your school or community.
Did you enjoy these lessons?
Then visit our homepage to see what's coming next and register to join in.
Or watch the recordings of these related lessons:@headTag>
Learn how spring cleaning is a centuries old tradition linked to cultures and religions around the world.
Watch lessons from last year's Litter & Waste Live Lesson again. Learn about why litter is such a difficult problem and what we can all do about it.