Plastic Pollution
Plastic Pollution
It’s been around for only 100 of the 6.5 billion years that our planet has existed. However, we are producing so much of it that a bin lorry worth of plastic waste enters our oceans every minute, and today it can be found up in the highest mountains, in the deepest oceans, in the air we breathe and even in the food we eat.
But how much do we know about its history, or how we got here, and how some people are trying to solve this problem?
Our Plastic Pollution Live Lesson includes a short, story time lesson for Early Years-P3 with children’s author Sarah Roberts courtesy of the Scottish Book Trust, a lesson for P4-P7 classes with science writer Isabel Thomas, and our own experts in KSB joined by the Marine Conservation Society, and a workshop for High Schools.
You may find the single use plastics infographics resource from Zero Waste Scotland helpful as a summary of the key concepts relating to these lessons.
Storytime for Early Years to P3
Acclaimed author and naturalist Sarah Roberts reads her book ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’, and inspires us all to act on plastic pollution.
If you would like to take the lesson further, try our fun game all about turtles, jellyfishes, and plastic pollution.
Plastics Pollution Live Lesson story time: early years to P3
Upper Primary
Workshop 1: What are the origins of plastic? How did plastic become such a big problem? Find the answers to these and more questions through this workshop delivered by our own experts from Keep Scotland Beautiful and by colleagues from Marine Conservation Society UK.
Workshop 2: With the support of The Scottish Book Trust, acclaimed science writer and children’s author Isabel Thomas takes us on a journey from how plastic bottles for fizzy drinks were invented, to how we can solve the plastic pollution problem.
Plastic Pollution Live Lesson: upper primary
Following these workshops, we invite pupils to take their learning further by creating a comic strip about the story of a plastic bottle and campaign for less plastic to be used.
High Schools
When were plastics invented? How do we produce plastic? Are plastics good or bad? What is the problem with plastic and why should we care? Find the answers to these and more questions through this interactive workshop prepared by our own experts from Keep Scotland Beautiful.
Following the lesson, use our resources to learn more about the history of plastic and how we ended up drinking so much water from plastic bottles.
Plastic Pollution Live Lesson: high schools
All Ages Assembly
An Assembly to wrap up our Plastic Pollution Live Lesson. Let's see what we remember, and answer some of your questions to our guests. Includes a showcase of pupils' work sent in throughout the week.
Plastic Pollution Live Lesson assembly
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Or watch the recordings of these related lessons:@headTag>
A series of lessons including a story from author Tracey Corderoy, a discussion of school canteen waste, suggestions on how can we reduce waste with Ostrero and a demonstration of a binbag autopsy!
Founder Marion Montgomery talks about strategies to encourage people to pick up litter and answers questions.