Live Lessons to support your work on Heritage.
Each lesson is accompanied by classroom resources. We are grateful to our partners from the Scottish Government, Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour, Scottish Book Trust, The Woodland Trust, and Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS).
Coming soon...@headTag>
Thig còmhla rinn airson leasan inntinneach sa Ghàidhlig a sheallas an obair a bhios an RSPB a’ dèanamh, agus mar a dh’aithnicheas sibh eòin gus an urrainn dhuibh pàirt a ghabhail ann am Big Birdwatch.
Join us for an exciting lesson in Gaelic exploring the work of the RSPB, and how to identify birds so you can take part in the Big Birdwatch.
Find out more about the work of the RSPB and how you can take part in their amazing Big Birdwatch this January.
Join us for a week of exciting Live Lessons all about our amazing natural world.
Watch again...
We welcomed Our Heritage, Our Future Project Officer Annie Rodgers to introduce a NEW Eco-Schools Heritage Topic
A week of interactive lessons on Scotland's natural environment, including lessons from Butterfly Conservation, Buglife and RSPB.
Learn how fascinating our natural environment is, and spark a desire in pupils to learn more about it.