Climate Action Week 2022
Climate Action Week 2022
Timed with the Scottish Government’s Climate Week, Climate Action Week is a series of interactive lessons, inspiring stories and activities about climate change and what we can do about it.
We are grateful to our friends from the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour, Scottish Book Trust and Forth Valley College for support with this year's lessons.
Activity for the week: Craftivism
This year's Climate Action Week included an invitation for pupils to create a collective piece of craftivism inspired by the artwork of artist Paul Bartlett.
Watch the video to find out how to make your own amazing collages as a gentle form of activism.
This video was generously created by Paul to demonstrate the process of creating a collage from scraps of paper.
Download the activity resource and see more of Paul Bartlett's work.
Craftivism gallery
As part of the Craftivism activity, we invited pupils to submit their creations for an online competition.
Paul's words on the amazing entries: “I am so impressed by the enthusiasm and skill demonstrated by all who took part in the collage competition. They have really embraced the ethos of recycling and through their work highlighted the importance of protecting our natural world. The variety of creativity is truly amazing. I have been inspired by some of the novel ways these young folk have used collage and I might be stealing a few ideas myself! Well done to all who took part and I hope that you continue to be inspired by nature and share this passion with others."
Early Years to P3
Storytime for Early Years with Author and Illustrator Mini Grey courtesy of Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour and Scottish Book Trust. There are lots of ways children can take learning from The Last Wolf further. Look at this Read Write Count information sheet from Scottish Book Trust to find out more.
Climate Action Week 2022 Early Years Story Time Lesson
Following the lesson, children can make their own Last Wolf treehouse:
Download treehouse instructions
Download treehouse template in black and white
Download treehouse template in colour
To take the lesson further, children can try to grow their own trees from seed using our resource below.
Upper Primary
A series of five interactive lessons aimed at helping your class understand what climate change is, its impacts, how we are contributing to this situation and how we can contribute to its solution. These lessons are supported with resources and activities that classes can carry out after the each lesson.
Lesson 1: What’s happening?
- What are Greenhouse Gases and where do they come from?
- Experiment: temperature
- Demonstration: warming effects
- Greenhouse gases in everyday life
Following the lesson, pupils can set up our greenhouse experiment and try our mystery activity covering numeracy and literacy.
Climate Action Week 2022 Upper Primary Lesson 1
Lesson 2: Our Human Footprint
- What we've learned so far
- The footprint of animals & humans
- Example: the footprint of chocolate
- How can we make a footprint smaller?
Following the lesson, pupils can use our template to write to those in power to ask for the changes they want to see.
Climate Action Week 2022 Upper Primary Lesson 2
Lesson 3: Innovation & Observation
- What we've learned so far
- Special Guest: Claire Herbst - Forth Valley College
- The power of observation
- Innovation in nature
Following the lesson pupils can use our template to create their own biomimicry invention
Climate Action Week 2022 Upper Primary Lesson 3
Lesson 4: Conservation Stories
- Ecosystems
- Scottish species
- Observing wildlife
- Conservation
Following the lesson, pupils can use the resource below to make their own mammal footprint trap and find out what is living around their school.
Climate Action Week 2022 Upper Primary Lesson 4
High Schools
What is climate justice and how can we use our voice and consumer choices to support it? We explore examples of how human footprints can become unsustainable and unjust. We then discuss how we all play a role in either allowing things to continue as they are, or to challenge them to create positive change, as a way of creating Climate Justice.
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be invited to compose a letter or email to someone in a business, organisation or government, asking to make a change to help the environment. A template can be found below.
Climate Action Week 2022 High Schools
- Do you remember?
- Your Questions
- Examples of your work
- Address from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon
- Running Out of Time Relay begins from Sunnyside Primary School
Climate Action Week 2022 Assembly
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Or watch the recordings of these related lessons:@headTag>
In the run up to the Scottish Government’s Climate Week, this year's Climate Action Week will focus on how our homes and gardens could look in a climate ready future.
Timed with the Scottish Government’s Climate Week, this year's Climate Action Week focuses on examples of the people and actions that are helping us move towards becoming a net zero nation with restored biodiversity by 2045.