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Here you will find examples to help inform and inspire your own LEAF activities. 

Examples of how LEAF could work in your setting

Some ideas for how you could integrate LEAF into your setting can be found below. Please note this is by no means an exhaustive list. LEAF is designed to be flexible to suit your individual setting requirements. If you have any queries about how to integrate LEAF into your setting, please contact us at leaf@keepscotlandbeautiful.org.

View our Tree of Learning curricular maps to help you link your LEAF activities to the curriculum: Early LevelFirst LevelSecond LevelThird LevelFourth Level


  • Integrating nature based activities into indoor and outdoor learning time to help children connect to the natural world using all their senses.
  • Spending more time outdoors with children, exploring the world around them.
  • Taking part in activities to help children understand how nature works and how to protect it.

Primary schools

  • LEAF could be run as a class topic, with activities taking place outdoors where pupils can connect with nature, learn how it works and how to protect it.
  • LEAF could be run as a whole school project with an emphasis on taking current learning outdoors and using this time to connect with nature.
  • LEAF activities could be split between classes, with activities relevant to each class taking place throughout the year.

Secondary schools

  • LEAF could be integrated into a timetabled class in any subject, with existing learning slanted towards the natural world and more time spent outdoors.
  • LEAF could be taken on by an Eco-group in your school, who would organise activities centred around the LEAF aims.
  • LEAF could be integrated into the school ethos, with activities based around connection to, and understanding of, nature.

ASN schools / departments

  • Using LEAF as a basis for multisensory learning via indoor and outdoor nature based activities to help pupils connect to the natural world using all their senses.
  • Utilising natural environments as a classroom to enhance learning, communication and confidence.
  • Using LEAF activities to help pupils understand the natural world and how to protect it. 

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