Share & repair
When it comes to 'stuff' -clothes, appliances, furniture and everything in between- we're all guilty of stashing and wasting. So many perfectly good items get thrown away, just as someone else is buying them new.
By getting better at repairing, sharing, swapping and passing things on, we can connect to our communities to keep things in use for longer and reduce the overall volume of 'stuff' that is made, bought and thrown away.
of household and business refuse in the Highlands is currently wasted in landfills.
of bulky items sent to recycling centres in the UK could have been reused or repaired.
could be saved by capturing just one quarter of the materials currently wasted in landfill or low value recycling.
What we're doing
We are working to bring share & repair skills, services and other opportunities to everyone across the Highlands.
More resources@headTag>
Circular Communities Scotland
Circular Communities Scotland represents a thriving network of charities and social enterprises that supports Scotland’s circular economy. Their map will help you find your nearest
Whether you’re looking to recycle, repair, buy pre-loved, donate or volunteer, their members map will help you connect with environmentally minded charitable organisations near you.

Revolve is a quality standard for second-hand stores in Scotland and is awarded to stores that meet high standards in safety, cleanliness and service, giving shoppers that extra reassurance to shop second-hand first.

Recycle Now
Not sure whether or where something can be recycled? Search for your nearest available recycling points by location and item with this handy tool.