Litter & Waste
Litter & Waste
Litter & Waste covers actions on litter, dog fouling, flytipping, and graffiti, as well as waste minimisation actions such as recycling and composting. We require evidence from one litter pick or survey as part of your Green Flag application.
The Litter & Waste Topic has natural overlap with all other topics.
Our campaign which brings together people from across Scotland to tackle litter.
Lessons and classroom activities to support your work on the Litter & Waste Topic.
A look into the history of how, when and why this material ushered in the plastics century.
Create a comic strip about the story of a plastic bottle, a marine animal or anything else!
Experiences and Outcomes related to the Eco-Schools Litter & Waste Topic.
How long does it really take litter to degrade? Find out with this experiment.
Rachel from The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland explains how to build your very own wormery.
Learn about how paper is made by making your own recycled paper in this practical activity.
See if you can find an item of litter for every letter of the alphabet. Look carefully!
An activity to convert data to a graph to make it easily understood by anyone who sees it.
Interactive lessons and classroom resources all about sustainable living.
What are the problems and benefits of plastic? How did we end up having such a big problem with plastic?
A PowerPoint presentation about the issue of Roadside Litter for Upper Primary.
Design a Litter Monster that will help clear your local environment of all sorts of rubbish!
A simple way for children to understand the impacts of plastic pollution on wildlife.
Dèan sgrùdadh sgudail fhad ’s a tha sibh a’ togail sgudail gus ionnsachadh dè seòrsa trioblaid a th’ agaibh agus gus ur cuideachadh le bhith a’ cumail sùil air an t-suidheachadh.
Infographics from Scottish Government and Zero Waste Scotland on single use plastic
Welsh author Tracey Corderoy reads her book ‘It’s Only One’ and leads a conversation about becoming an author. Tracey appears courtesy of the Scottish Book Trust.
Acclaimed author and naturalist Sarah Roberts reads her book ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’, and inspires us all to act on plastic pollution.
Suirbhidh gus fiosrachadh fhaighinn mun sgudal a tha na thrioblaid anns a’ choimhearsnachd agaibh.
Look into the concept of manufactured design, and how a marketing decision helped make single use plastic popular.
Our planet is drowning in plastic pollution—it's time for change!
Have a look in your wardrobe and think about how we can take care of our clothes to make them last.