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Sunny Schools Resources

Sunny Schools Resources

Sunny Schools is a set of resources on climate justice and solar lighting developed by SolarAid and Keep Scotland Beautiful


SolarAid is an international development charity working alongside communities in the most rural and hard to reach areas of sub-Saharan Africa to tackle poverty and the climate crisis through access to clean, safe solar lights.  A world where farmers can sort through their harvest even after the sun sets. Where children can study and realise their dreams. Where midwives can deliver babies safely through the night. And where the planet can breathe a bit easier.

SolarAid's vision is for a world where everyone has access to clean, renewable, energy.  Their mission is to light up every home, school and clinic in Africa by 2030, using safe, clean, solar power.

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Take this quiz first to test knowledge of climate change in your class.

Unit 1: Climate Change
What is climate change and how is it different from weather. The effects of climate change. How people around the world are affected by climate change in different ways.

Unit 2: Energy
What energy is and where it comes from. What we use energy for and the link between energy use and climate change.

Unit 3: Carbon Footprints
Appliances that use electricity at home and at school. What a carbon footprint is. Greenhouse effects. Actions to reduce energy use at home and at school.

Unit 4: Renewable Energy
Identify sources of renewable energy and the differences in types of solar energy. Successfully build a circuit using a solar panel.

Unit 5: Solar Energy
How solar power can be used to help people around the world.

Unit 6: Reflection
Reflect on learning. Use and apply knowledge to inform and persuade a target audience. Think of ways to take action to make a difference.

Build an Eco House
Learn how the physical properties of a house can affect its impact on the environment. Investigate the insulating properties of various materials and the use of solar power as a source of energy in homes. Design and construct a model eco house.

Make a Solar Oven
Learn about difficulties sourcing cooking fuel in the developing world and how solar power can help. Learn the basic principles of solar cooking and build a solar cooker.

Sunny Schools Photocards
Resource to accompany lessons.

Sunny Schools Glossary
A list of terms used in lessons.

Solar Stories
Personal stories from people who have worked with SolarAid to accompany lessons.

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