Energy | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content



Energy is something we all use every day and it comes from a variety of sources: fossil fuels, nuclear, wind, solar and tidal. Global energy consumption is increasing overall, but not everyone has equal access to energy in various parts of the world.

The Energy Topic has some natural overlap with Water, Transport and Food & the Environment.

Sustainable Living Live Lessons

Interactive lessons and activities all about making choices that are kinder to the environment. 



Comic Strip Template

Create a comic strip about the story of a plastic bottle, a marine animal or anything else!

Curricular Map: Energy

Experiences and Outcomes related to the Energy Topic

Earth Hour Pledge

What will you do for an hour without electricity?

Energy Investigators

Understanding where energy comes from and how not to waste it is key to reducing carbon emissions.

Energy Savers Activity

If we could all reduce our energy usage we could significantly reduce our carbon emissions.

Energy Source Game

Learn about the pros and cons of different sources of energy and heat.

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities

A list of learning activities and curricular links on creating sustainable cities and communities.

Goal 7: Affordable & Clean Energy

A list of learning activities and curricular links on affordable and clean energy.

Low Carbon Skills Films

Films and resources made by pupils about how consumer choices can fight climate change.

Sunny Schools

Lesson plans on climate justice and solar lighting from SolarAid and Keep Scotland Beautiful.

Water Calculators Activity

It might rain a lot in Scotland but saving water helps to save energy.

Youth Club Carbon Footprint Audit

See if you can reduce the carbon footprint of your Eco-Committee or Youth Club.

Build a Solar Oven

Learn about how solar ovens can help with fuel shortages in developing countries.

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