Measuring | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content



Action Plan

Measuring | Award Criteria

  • Your Eco-Committee ensures that evaluation of action is ongoing and appropriate to the activity.
  • You will need one example of Measuring for our Core Topic (Climate Action) and your other chosen topics.
  • All pupils and staff are updated on progress.
  • Your Eco-Committee builds on successes and decides what to do when activities are not successful.

Measuring should:

  • Be done by pupils whenever possible.
  • Be shared with the whole school and community, for example on your Eco-Schools noticeboard.

When you are applying for your Green Flag Award, you can use our evidence template to help you tell us about your measuring. 

Measuring your impact

This video will explain how to plan your measuring and incorporate it into your Action Plan, as well as giving ideas for the types of measuring you can use. 

A full playlist of Eco-Schools guidance videos can be found on our YouTube channel. 

Measuring Resources

How you choose to measure progress will depend on your context, which topics you choose, and the pupils involved.

Measuring might involve:

  • Graphs or tally charts
  • Before and after photographs
  • Video or written diaries
  • Feedback from questionnaires or surveys
  • Calculating bill savings
  • Meter readings
  • Mapping
  • Weights - for example: litter, recycling or food waste
  • The results of a waste audit
  • Your school's travel survey (Hands Up survey)
  • Traffic light indicators - for example: playground cleanliness
  • Totalling funds raised

What information could you use to share your progress with the whole school and wider community?  Maybe it is the amount of paper collected for recycling, or a decrease in the amount of energy being used.

For example: a school trying to reduce food waste might first measure the amount of waste produced on a normal day, and compare this with the amount produced after trying to reduce it.  The results of a survey of which school meals are most enjoyed by fellow pupils might be used to reduce food waste.

Developing STEM Skills

How Eco-Schools can help develop STEM skills.

Litter Audit Toolkit

How to contribute to citizen science with a litter pick.


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