Eco-Code | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content



Your Eco-Code is your Eco-Schools mission statement, demonstrating your commitment to improving the school environment.

Creating your Eco-Code

Your Eco-Code gives you a great opportunity to draw attention to your Eco-Schools work within your local community.  The format of the Eco-Code is entirely up to pupils. It could be a list of statements, an acrostic, a mascot, a logo, a rap or song or a poem. It should be memorable and familiar to everyone in the school and reinforce the main objectives of your Action Plan.  As part of your Green Flag application, we will ask you to share your Eco-Code with us towards the end of your Green Flag journey. 

Your Eco-Code should:

  • Be created by pupils with input from the whole school.
  • Be reviewed every two years to ensure that it continues to reflect your Action Plan
  • Be displayed on your Eco-Schools noticeboard and prominently throughout the school.

How to create an Eco-code

This video covers the essentials of creating your Eco-Schools Eco-Code, with some fantastic examples from schools.

A full playlist of Eco-Schools guidance videos can be found on our YouTube channel. 

Eco-Code Examples

Middlefield Residential School

Your Eco-Code can use boardmaker symbols too.

Cults Primary School

Cults Primary School's Eco-Code is an acrostic. Download.

Wallace High School

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