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Eco-Schools is a holistic programme which supports critical thinking and pupil engagement. For pupils involved in implementing the programme in their school, Eco-Schools provides knowledge, skills and motivation that is likely to stay with them in later life.


Curriculum | Award Criteria

  • Aspects of your Eco-Schools activities are integrated into a range of subjects across the curriculum for the majority of classes or year groups.
  • You will need to describe one example of how you have linked your Eco-Schools work to the Curriculum as part of your application.

Linking to the curriculum should:

  • Help to achieve required learning outcomes
  • Enhance pupils' learning experience
  • Support the Four Capacities of CfE
  • Help pupils develop informed attitudes
  • Develop core skills
  • Transfer skills across curricular areas
  • Enrich the curriculum with opportunities for practical learning
  • Highlight opportunities for Green Careers

Curriculum: What did you learn?

A guide to what you can learn by taking part in Eco-Schools, including learning for sustainability, outdoor learning and using your voice.

A full playlist of Eco-Schools guidance videos can be found on our YouTube channel. 

Using Eco-Schools Scotland for the Development of STEM Skills

The Eco-Schools Scotland programme is a great context for application and development of STEM skills.  This resource will support you to use the Eco-Schools Seven Element process as a vehicle to deliver Curriculum for Excellence’s experiences, outcomes and benchmarks.

Download the Eco-Schools STEM Guide

Whole School

The Eco-Schools programme gives pupils of all ages the opportunity to take responsibility for practical activities to take action on environmental issues that matter to them.  Contributing to the Eco-Committee offers the opportunity to share and delegate tasks, and the confidence to make suggestions and come to decisions. 

An Eco-Schools ‘ethos’ is one which permeates the day-to-day learning of the whole school, and involvement in the Eco-Schools programme provides an excellent vehicle for delivery of many aspects of Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence.

Activities undertaken as part of the delivery of the Seven Elements and the Ten Topics afford many opportunities to link to all eight curricular areas - as well as the Four Capacities - and inter-disciplinary themes such as Health & Well-being, Numeracy, Literacy, Enterprise, and Learning for Sustainability.

When linking the Eco-Schools programme to the formal curriculum, schools will identify areas of the curriculum which will enable young people to:

  • Achieve required learning outcomes.
  • Enhance their learning experience.
  • Develop informed attitudes.
  • Develop core skills.
  • Transfer skills across curricular areas.

Integration of Eco-Schools activities into the curriculum does not have to be onerous. It can vary from a short reference when a curriculum topic warrants it, to full-scale linking so that Eco-Schools activities fully cover particular curricular experiences and outcomes.

The principles contained within Taking Learning Outdoors – Partnerships in Excellence (LTS 2007) underline the many benefits of activities within Eco-Schools. The opportunity to learn more about their own environment within the school grounds, and further opportunities to suggest improvements and take part in implementing these improvements, provide young people with real life experiences in investigating, problem solving, and decision-making.

“Eco-Schools connects over 15 million children, young people and educators through sustainable development education and is the biggest formal learning network in the world – with young people from 64 countries involved.  It is wonderful that Scotland has achieved 2000 Green Flag Awards. It stands as proof for the huge possibilities that can be attained when civil society and government work hand in hand to reach common goals based on positive actions.” 

Daniel Schaffer, CEO of Foundation for Environment

Early Years

Early Years establishments have always used the environment both as a place of learning and a resource for learning. They have long recognised the need for young people to be outdoors and opportunities for learning in the process.

Drawing these opportunities under the discipline of Eco-Schools gives young people a target to aim for and a sense of achievement. Achievements within Eco-Schools can easily be demonstrated to parents and visitors, and even the youngest child is eager to describe, demonstrate and discuss progress.

"[Eco-Schools] has benefitted us greatly in many ways: we are more confident in taking projects forward as there is always support. We are a very outdoor nursery but Eco-Schools is developing in the next generation of all children, a very healthy respect and understanding of the environmental impact of how we live, what we use, how we use it and how to recycle and save our planets natural resources, animals and habitats at a very young age and stage of development”.

Cumbernauld College Nursery - March 2011

Primary Schools

Eco-Schools is infinitely adaptable to your own context and develops Global Citizenship skills to support pupils development as Life Long Learners. Primary schools find the Eco-Schools framework fosters connections between the various elements of Learning for Sustainability.

“Eco-Schools has provided an opportunity for children to be involved in worthwhile projects in which they have a direct say and contribution. They have a strong pupil voice and being part of the Eco-Committee can help to increase their knowledge, skills and confidence, as they carry out research, report back to their peers, organise ideas and information and communicate to a wider audience”. 

Cambusbarron Primary School - September 2013


A Curricular Audit is requirement at Green Flag Award level for all secondary schools and schools with secondary departments. This provides schools with an opportunity to investigate – and celebrate – the curricular links that are already being made between ‘day-to-day’ learning and ‘sustainable development’ themes, as well as identify areas where links could still be implemented.

Eco-Schools provides a framework which secondary schools can use to support interdisciplinary learning, planning for choices and change as well as supporting the development of critical thinking skills and student leadership.

Participation in Eco-Schools activities can often foster an interest in and knowledge of sustainable development issues that can, in time, lead to a greater awareness of ‘green’ careers. As result a thriving Eco-Schools programme can support Developing the Young Workforce initiatives within a secondary school.

“The Eco-Schools programme has brought a wide range of benefits for Mearns Castle. For example, for those pupils directly involved on the Eco-Committee and in the broader eco group it has given them valuable opportunities to develop their capabilities as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. Through giving pupils lead roles in taking forward eco projects they have had to speak at conferences, write articles/letters and persuade staff in the school and from other businesses/agencies to support their plans”.

Mearns Castle High School - June 2012

ASN Schools

Eco-Schools is an adaptable framework which is successfully used within many of Scotland’s ASN schools. As a whole school programme equality, inclusion and participation are encouraged through the opportunities that Eco-Schools provides. Pupils are empowered to be global citizens actively making decisions which can shape their own community.

The framework supports schools to bring together curriculum and life skills whilst developing confidence and providing opportunities for pupils to learn in a variety of contexts.

“The experience of Eco-Schools has benefited our school and pupils by instilling a sense of confidence and purpose. Pupils have reached a great understanding of the importance of promoting and sustaining a litter free environment. They are also gaining understanding of wider Eco issues”.

Firpark School - June 2005

Curricular Maps

We have developed a series of curricular outcome maps for the first five levels to help link Eco-Schools to CfE.  We encourage adaptation, addition and development so that you can tailor them to the needs of your particular context. 

Early Level  First Level  Second Level  Third Level  Fourth Level


Learning for Sustainability

A whole school approach that enables the school and its wider community to build the values, attitudes, knowledge, skills and confidence needed to develop practices and take decisions which are compatible with a sustainable and equitable society.

Download - Conversations About Learning for Sustainability

Download - Learning for Sustainability - Report of the One Planet Schools Working Group

Download - Learning for Sustainability - Scottish Government's Response


Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools - Mandarin & Learning For Sustainability

An award winning Confucius Institute working in partnership with Scotland's National Centre for Languages SCILT, Scottish Government and Hanban to promote Chinese language and culture in Primary and Secondary schools across Scotland. Resources include linking Mandarin to the Global Goals, nature, and the John Muir Award.

Download Resources

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