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Action Plan

Action Plan


Action Plan | Award Criteria

  • Your Action Plan is a working document and should be included in the school improvement plan.
  • Your Action Plan will cover one year for a First Green Flag Award and two years for a Green Flag Renewal.
  • Your Action Plan addresses our core Topic (Climate Action) and at least two other chosen topics.
  • Your Action Plan should include at least 3 actions for each of your topics.
  • Choose the Sustainable Development Goals that link with your actions
  • Your Action Plan must include at least one litter pick or survey every year. 
  • Pupils on your Eco-Committee take responsibility for leading some action areas.
  • Your Action Plan must include timescales and details of how progress of an action area will be measured and evaluated.
  • It may be helpful display your Action Plan on your Eco-Schools noticeboard in a clear, pupil-friendly format.

How to Create an Action Plan

This video describes the purpose of an Action Plan, and how to ensure yours contains all the evidence required for your Green Flag application.

full playlist of Eco-Schools guidance videos can be found on our YouTube channel. 

Action Plan Template

This template is the easiest way to gather evidence for your application.

Word template 

PowerPoint template 

PDF template

Teamplaid Ghàidhlig

Action Plan Template- Large Format

A larger format Action Plan for use at circle time or with a group.  Print in A3 size to hang on your noticeboard.

Download the large format template

Family Action Plan Template - for Home

An Action Plan for use at home to plan Eco-Schools activities to do with your family.  Goes with our home Environmental Review.

Download the Family Action Plan

Making your Action Plan visible

In order to keep everyone in the school up to date with your Eco-Schools projects, your Action Plan should be displayed on your Eco-Schools noticeboard.  It may be useful to adapt this to be displayed on the school’s Eco-Schools noticeboard in a clear, pupil-friendly format.  Have a look at some examples below for some inspiration!

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