Climate Action Schools Resources
Curricular subject:
Eco-Schools topics:
Young Reporters themes:
A quick and easy way for pupils to connect to nature with all their senses. It is paired with a reflection activity to reinforce outdoor experiences.
A look into the history of how, when and why this material ushered in the plastics century.
This resource from Keep Wales Tidy gives children the opportunity to spend time in nature, taking in their surroundings and finding their own special space.
In this activity, pupil will learn about the myths surrounding our native trees, as well as getting to know the trees themselves better with a wonderful resource from Forestry Commission Scotland.
Is e seo am pàirt as cudromaiche den tagradh agaibh gus Bratach Uaine fhaighinn. Cuir a-steach fiosrachaidh mu na h-amasan agus gnìomhan agaibh.
Feumaidh sibh aon teamplaid a chleachdadh airson gach cuspair agaibh (3 teamplaidean airson gach tagradh).
A wonderful sensory activity from Keep Wales Tidy, allowing children to feel textures and temperature using their feet.
A wonderful sensory activity from Keep Wales Tidy, allowing children to feel textures and temperature using their feet.
A wonderful sensory activity from Keep Wales Tidy, allowing children to feel textures and temperature using their feet.
A resource co-created with educators to help pupils assess the benefits and risks of going outdoors for themselves, including completion of a risk assessment.
An exercise on the carbon Footprint of everyday items adapted from "How Bad Are Bananas?" by Mike Berners-Lee
Interactive lessons for all ages with accompanying classroom resources.
An introductory activity to gauge your group's feelings and experiences of climate action.
Introduction to the concept of climate change using Boardmaker PCS Symbols
Think about how to have a productive conversation about climate change with an adult.
A printable Green Flag to colour yourself and hang on the wall.
Create a comic strip about the story of a plastic bottle, a marine animal or anything else!
In this activity pupils will create their own code of conduct for their school grounds or local greenspace.
Experiences and Outcomes related to the Eco-Schools Biodiversity Topic.
Experiences and Outcomes related to the Eco-Schools Litter & Waste Topic.
A printable blank template for your own drawings, artwork or campaigns
Cultural traditions, folklore, customs and crafts associated with the growing year and harvest in Scotland.
A PowerPoint version of our Eco-Schools Action Plan template.
Editable PDF to carry out your school's Environmental Review.
You can also do an Environmental Review at home, which you can use as evidence for your school's Green Flag Award.
A pictorial version of our Environmental Review using Boardmaker PCS symbols.
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Find out about community resilience as a context for learning within Curriculum for Excellence
A resource to support educators' practice in learning and teaching climate change.
Explore how different countries contribute to and experience climate change.
Understanding where energy comes from and how not to waste it is key to reducing carbon emissions.
If we could all reduce our energy usage we could significantly reduce our carbon emissions.
Free online course on FEE Academy on storytelling through photography.
Learn the basics of writing informative articles and create your own.
Investigate the insulating effect of greenhouse gases over time.
Investigate how greenhouse gases are made and their effect on temperature.
How long does it really take litter to degrade? Find out with this experiment.
Demonstrate the consequences of sea and land ice melt as a result of global warming.
Two activities, the first is a simple activity from Keep Wales Tidy to help young children understand food webs. The second is an activity from Keep Scotland Beautiful for older pupils, where pupils create a food web based on local animals and plants.
This film considers how food is produced and how it affects our health, workers' rights, animal welfare and the environment.
In this activity pupils will look at what different groups of people want from a forest. They will use this information to examine conflicts of interest around forest use.
In this activity, pupils will explore myths and stories relating to trees and forests and use them as inspiration to create their own tales. .
This resource helps pupils connect to their local trees and plants, as well as our Gaelic cultural heritage. There are activities for younger and older pupils, which can be adapted to suit your individual setting. The activity was created in celebration of International Day of Forests, which takes place every year on 21st March.
A list of learning activities and curricular links for Global Goal 5.
Perfect for decorating a noticeboard or classroom. Created using materials from the World's Largest Lesson.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on reducing inequalities.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on creating sustainable cities and communities.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on practicing responsible production and consumption.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on building peace, justice and strong institutions.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on creating partnerships for the Global Goals.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on clean water and sanitation.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on affordable and clean energy.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on decent work and economic growth.
A list of learning activities and curricular links on industry, innovation and infrastructure.
This resource focusses on harvest-time and is a guide to creating your own harvest event
Rachel from The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland explains how to build your very own wormery.
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Learn about how paper is made by making your own recycled paper in this practical activity.
A simple STEM activity to help you estimate the height and age of a tree.
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This activity, including a discussion and an experiment, will help pupils learn about how trees help to prevent flooding and pollution and influence our weather and climate.
Dandelions are often considered weeds but they are a source of pollen and nectar for insects in the Spring.
This activity shows pupils how much water is needed to produce one sheet of paper.
A list of ideas for actions and activities that you can do as part of your LEAF Award.
How to obtain materials and equipment for LEAF on a tight budget and where to look for funding opportunities.
A list of English and Gaelic texts with forests and nature as their subjects. The list includes fiction and non-fiction titles split by age range with suggested points for discussion to expand learning further.
This social script has been created using Boardmaker PCS symbols to explain LEAF in simple terms.
This lesson plan, invites you to learn more about pollinators and create a pollinator friendly garden. This lesson has been adapted from a Portuguese entry to a FEE lesson plan competition.
See if you can find an item of litter for every letter of the alphabet. Look carefully!
An activity to convert data to a graph to make it easily understood by anyone who sees it.
Interactive lessons and classroom resources to support your work on the Biodiversity Topic.
Interactive lessons and classroom resources all about sustainable living.
Explore your local area mapping wild foods, discovering Scotland's natural larder and trying a taste of the wild.
Films and resources made by pupils about how consumer choices can fight climate change.
Calculate the carbon footprint of the food we eat and see if you can design a low carbon lunch.
Luchdaich sìos Lèirmheas Àrainneachdail le Dealbhan ann an Gàidhlig.
How big is your footprint? Challenge yourself to reduce your footprint by changing the way you travel.
In this activity, pupils will first explore sounds from nature, including sounds from inside a tree. They will then use natural materials to create their own music.
A discussion of the impacts of climate change being seen in Scotland
What are the problems and benefits of plastic? How did we end up having such a big problem with plastic?
Perfect to hang in your classroom, on a bulletin board or decorate to celebrate your Green Flag Award.
Print these Green Flags and stick them to pencils or sticks to celebrate your school’s Green Flag Award.
Plot how you would travel to different places using public transport available in your community.
A PowerPoint presentation about the issue of Roadside Litter for Upper Primary.
Scotland grows lots of different kinds of food, all with different names, characters, tastes, and tales.
Storyteller and author Allison Galbraith takes us on an imaginary trip to learn about some of Scotland’s wildlife using old folk tales.
There are strong links in Scotland’s heritage between language, culture and food.
A third level Creative Inquiry on the themes of Scots Language, Cultural History and Food and the Environment
A series of activities produced by NatureScot that help children and young people understand their responsibilities in outdoor environments.
Design a Litter Monster that will help clear your local environment of all sorts of rubbish!
A simple way for children to understand the impacts of plastic pollution on wildlife.
Sgriobt le Dealbhan Boardmaker a’ mìneachadh atharrachadh na gnàth-shìde do chlann òga.
Sgriobt le Dealbhan Boardmaker a’ mìneachadh Sgoiltean-Èiceo do chlann òga.
Dèan sgrùdadh sgudail fhad ’s a tha sibh a’ togail sgudail gus ionnsachadh dè seòrsa trioblaid a th’ agaibh agus gus ur cuideachadh le bhith a’ cumail sùil air an t-suidheachadh.
Infographics from Scottish Government and Zero Waste Scotland on single use plastic
Cameras at the ready as you explore barriers and solutions to active travel in your community
Workbook and video on confident public speaking from FEE and the Speakers Trust.
Author and illustrator Mariajo Ilustrajo reads her book Flooded, a beautiful story that introduces concepts about climate change and the importance of working together to build strong communities.
Welsh author Tracey Corderoy reads her book ‘It’s Only One’ and leads a conversation about becoming an author. Tracey appears courtesy of the Scottish Book Trust.
Acclaimed author and naturalist Sarah Roberts reads her book ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’, and inspires us all to act on plastic pollution.
Author and illustrator Sally Anne Garland joins us courtesy of the Scottish Book trust to read her story ‘The Chalk Garden’ and teaches us how to draw some of the bugs we can see in our gardens.
Author and Illustrator Mini Grey reads her book "The Last Wolf" courtesy of the Scottish Book Trust.
Children’s author and illustrator Chris Naylor-Ballesteros joins us to read his wonderful book 'The Suitcase', inviting pupils to explore empathy through a simple but effective activity.
Author Emily Gravett reads her book ‘Too Much Stuff’. A great lesson on the importance of changing our relationship with things and the impact that our love for stuff can have on the planet.
Suirbhidh gus fiosrachadh fhaighinn mun sgudal a tha na thrioblaid anns a’ choimhearsnachd agaibh.
Lesson plans on climate justice and solar lighting from SolarAid and Keep Scotland Beautiful.
Introduction to the concept of sustainability using Boardmaker PCS Symbols
Ideas for discussion and reflection on what this film means to you.
Look into the concept of manufactured design, and how a marketing decision helped make single use plastic popular.
How to get started with spuds including harvest and storage, varieties, and ideas for tattie activities.
Find out how much traffic passes your school. Useful when campaigning for air quality improvements or road safety.
To gain a deeper appreciation for nature and its rhythms through the seasons.
Our planet is drowning in plastic pollution—it's time for change!
Do you want to make your school more climate-friendly? If so, this guide is for you!
An introduction to Young Reporters for the Environment from the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)
This video covers the essentials of creating your Eco-Schools Eco-Code, with some fantastic examples from schools.
This video will explain the concept of climate change and it's effects. It will then explain why Climate Action is our mandatory Topic, and discuss ideas and examples for how to cover this Topic as part of your Eco-Schools journey.
This video will describe the purpose of an Action Plan, and how to ensure yours contains all the evidence required for your Green Flag application.
This video will explain why it is important to involve your Community in your Eco-Schools activities, and give you lots of ideas to help you get started.
This video will explain how to plan your measuring and incorporate it into your Action Plan, as well as giving ideas for the types of measuring you can use.
Learn about composition, saturation, and exposure in this video.
Photographer Andrew Perry talks about smartphone photography.
This video will explain the role of your Eco-Committee, what is involved in membership, and how it could work in your school.
Have a look in your wardrobe and think about how we can take care of our clothes to make them last.
This webinar from Shout Out UK and FEE gives you the tools to identify and tackle false news and to respond to climate denialism, as discussions about global warming continue to heat up.
A webinar from WWF Malaysia about the importance of biodiversity, the challenges and threats, as well as taking action from the Eco-Schools perspective.
Learn the importance of trees as carbon sinks by estimating the carbon content of a tree and discussing the role of forests in climate change. Created by LEAF Ireland.
n this activity pupils will investigate all the different items made from wood that they use in their everyday lives.
Effects of climate change on health from the World Health Organisation
We share our environment with thousands of other species - what wildlife lives near you?
This resource encourages pupils to find their local trees and forest and learn more about them through thinking about their various roles and interviewing local residents. They will then share their findings as stories, artworks or plays.
See if you can reduce the carbon footprint of your Eco-Committee or Youth Club.
Lesson plan from Deutsche Welle in partnership with FEE.
Introducing people doing conservation work where they live. From Deutsche Welle in partnership with FEE.
What can we do to protect pollinating creatures? From Deutsche Welle in partnership with FEE
What can we do to protect forests? From Deutsche Welle in partnership with FEE.
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Climate change and water lesson from Deutsche Welle in partnership with FEE.
In this Sunny Schools unit, children learn about eco-friendly houses and different materials.
Learn about how solar ovens can help with fuel shortages in developing countries.
Apply simple maths in a practical context to estimate the height and age of a tree.
Learn how trees help prevent flooding and pollution as part of the water cycle.
An engaging way for pupils to view the world from the perspective of the animals and plants that they share it with.
Investigate the value of pollinators and pollinator friendly plants. Adapted from a lesson created for the FEE Biodiversity Lesson Plan Competition.
Use natural materials to create art, connecting them to the natural landscape. Finished creations are left to nature, connecting pupils to natural cycles. Adapted from a resource created by FEE.
his activity will help pupils learn how water flows in natural environments. The lessons were created by Keep Wales Tidy.
This experiment will introduce pupils to the important role of trees and forests in the Carbon Cycle
What is the greenhouse effect and why does an increased greenhouse effect lead to climate change?
A planning tool for educators who wish to promote the Global Goals through the theme “Forest”.
A GrowCube is a mini version of a large scale hydroponic growing system. This resource is a guide to using a GrowCube including setup and maintenance.