Gavinburn Primary School | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content

Gavinburn Primary School

Gavinburn Primary School

Gavinburn Primary School's Eco-Committee decided to adopt the local wildlife area that they visit for Forest Schools as part of their work on the Biodiversity Topic.

The Saltings which is used as a forest school site and as a popular nature walk.  The site was badly littered by members of the public and by pupils. To tackle this problem the school applied for funding from the Litter Less Campaign to buy litter pickers, high visibility vests and recycling bins.

The Eco-Committee reps invited nearby Gavinburn Nursery and volunteers from community groups to participate, and organised a big community clean up.  

The Eco-Committee decided to involve the nursery as they wanted to raise awareness of the importance of recycling from an early age.

Pupils carried out surveys and questionnaires then created graphs and took lots of photographs. This information was recorded helped pupils evaluate and improve their plans.

Eco-Schools is an important part of the Pupil Council and includes House Captains, Junior Road Safety Officers and Eco Representatives.

Strong curriculum links through outdoor learning and Forest Schools encouraged the children to clean-up and look after the environment and link in very well with the campaign.

Communication was very important with regular meetings to report and plan new projects.

The children and the local community have pride in their local area and hope to continue caring for the wildlife area as part of their Eco-Schools sustainability projects.

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