Battlefield Primary School | Keep Scotland Beautiful Skip to main content

Battlefield Primary School

Battlefield Primary School

Pupils at Battlefield Primary School involved their whole community in their extensive Biodiversity projects including Battlefield Bug Day.

The Eco-Committee at Battlefield Primary School has worked hard to improve their school grounds as a habitat for Biodiversity. They have engaged the whole school in litter picking and Eco days to promote the work they are doing as a Committee.  They have also included the whole community in a Garden Club to improve not only the school grounds, but the surrounding area as well.  Since the school’s playground was mainly made up of concrete, pupils felt that there wasn’t as much opportunity for nature to thrive.

Their first steps were to put up bird houses and design a Bug Hotel to encourage insects. Every class made planters from milk bottles for wildflowers to attract bees and butterflies. The infant classes looked after frogs and butterflies providing links to Science, Health and Wellbeing and STEM.

The whole school were involved in litter picking and planting potatoes to use in the school kitchen.

The Parent Council and Eco-Committee organised a Battlefield Bug Bonanza day when every class had a stall to promote an insect with an activity for the rest of the school to complete. This day was an opportunity for parents and carers to see all the hard work pupils have put into learning about Biodiversity and improving their school grounds.

A partnership with the local library provided pupils with books about insects and bugs and 12 local businesses donated prizes for the day.

It has been great to see the whole community; children, staff, parents and partner agencies come together to work towards our vision for the school. For example, the after school gardening club has benefitted both the school grounds and the wider community. The whole school has contributed towards our success and they should be as proud of themselves as I am.


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