Cup Movement®
Our single-use cup problem
Latest estimates suggest over 388 million single-use cups are used in Scotland each year*: an unimaginable number of cups that we are throwing away. And, if only 4% of these are currently recycled, what happens to the remaining 96%? Most go to landfill and far too many just end up littering our beautiful country.
Cup Movement® aims to tackle this problem.
*Zero Waste Scotland (2022) Consumption of Single-use Disposable Beverage Cups in Scotland

What is Cup Movement®?
Cup Movement aims to transform our relationship with single-use cups, by working across the board, with those who buy, sell and use cups, to find solutions that work. Cup Movement aims to:
- Raise awareness, share information and help people to make more sustainable cup choices.
- Work together with key stakeholders to trial different approaches for reducing cup waste.
- Provide robust evidence to inform policy and practice.
- Create successful and replicable place-based models.
- Contribute to the Scottish Government's policies and ambitions.
Read our reports: @headTag>
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