Youth Climate Emergency Toolkit
Youth Climate Emergency Toolkit
Youth Climate Emergency Toolkit
Supporting young people to tackle climate change
The toolkit was designed and updated as a partnership between Keep Scotland Beautiful and YouthLink Scotland as part of the COP26 Youth Climate Programme funded by the Scottish Government.
It includes activities to help young people learn about and discuss the impact of our choices on climate change, environment, and people. The activities also introduce opportunities for young people to find out more and take positive action to tackle climate change.
The activities below are designed to support youth workers and all those working with young people in Scotland to help inform young people about the climate emergency and to empower them to take positive action.
There are a variety of activities, games and resources for young people of a range of ages and abilities. The activities support learning to take place through facilitated discussions, interactive exercises, games and films, with most sessions having in-person and online delivery options. Each activities highlights its links with both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Youth Work Outcomes, as well as suggested age ranges, resources and timings.
Toolkit activities:
These activities will help young people learn more about climate change and its causes and impacts through games, films and discussions.
Bingo (age 8+) - Is your youth group filled with climate action enthusiasts? An introductory activity to gauge your group’s feelings and experiences of climate action.
Scavenger Hunt Indoors Activity (age 8+) - To put your knowledge of climate change into action and find real life examples of climate change impacts and solutions.
Emissions matching (age 9+) - Learn more about different greenhouse gases and use creative methods to describe how reaching net zero emissions will impact young people.
Ranking activity (age 10+) - Explore how different countries contribute to and experience climate change.
Scotland 2100 (age 10+) - Welcome to the future. Map how climate change has impacted your community and the rights of young people.
Climate negotiations (age 12+) – Put yourself in the shoes of global decision makers and see if you can agree on a climate solution.
Board game (age 12+) - A fun way to learn some trivia about climate change. Board Game cards are available here.
Become a climate action influencer (age 13+) - Use social media for good and create your own content to urge others to take climate action.
Climate emergency quiz (age 13+) - Learn new facts and stats about the global climate emergency with this quick-fire quiz.
Scavenger Hunt Outdoors Activity (age 13+) - To put your knowledge of climate change into action and find real life examples of climate change impacts and solutions.
Film club (age range dependent on film) – Use films to start the conversation about climate change.
How To Host Mini Cop Activity (age 14+) - To learn about local climate issues and solutions, and raise awareness within the community.
Visualising Climate Futures Activity (age 7+) - To imagine a positive climate future and think about how we can get there.
Climate Storytelling Workshop (age 9+) - To think about how to have a productive conversation about climate change with an adult.
Trees Through the Seasons Activity (age 5+) - To gain a deeper appreciation for nature and its rhythms through the seasons.
Web of Life Activity (age 9+) - To learn about the wider impacts of biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse.
Where to Start Activity (any age) - To think about your role within the climate movement.
Food Activities
These activities will help young people calculate the carbon footprint of the food we eat and learn about food miles. They'll also be able to design a low carbon lunchbox and explore local food options.
Lunch boxes (age 7+) - Calculate the carbon footprint of the food we eat and see if you can design a low carbon lunch.
Eat locally (age 7+) - How far has our food travelled to get to our plate? Find out more about food miles and explore locally grown food options in your area.
Eat With the Seasons Activity (age 5+) - To learn about which foods are in season in which months.
Travel activities
These activities will help young people explore barriers and solutions to travelling more sustainably.
Map your journey (age 8+) - How big is your footprint? Challenge yourself and your pals to reduce your collective carbon footprint by changing the way you travel to youth club.
Snapshot of active travel photo activity (age 8+) - Cameras at the ready as you explore barriers and solutions to active travel in the community.
Energy activities
These activities will help young people to learn about the carbon footprint of our buildings and how we can reduce them.
Youth club audit (age 10+) - Take a closer look at your youth work setting to see if you can reduce the carbon footprint with a variety of practical activities.
Energy Source Game (age 9+) - To learn about the pros and cons of different sources of energy and heat.
Waste activities
These activities will help young people explore their own relationship with fashion and learn more about the processes and impacts involved in making a pair of jeans.
Fast fashion (age 10+) - Explore your relationship with fashion and the impact the fashion industry has on the environment and people around the world.
Fast fashion, supply chains (age 14+) - Do you know the steps that go into making a pair of jeans? Arrange the fashion supply chain and learn more this complex global process.
Doughnut Economics Drawing Activity (age 14+) - To learn about the concept of Doughnut Economics and how to stay within planetary boundaries.
Fast Fashion alternatives - To learn about alternative options to fast fashion in a fun way.
A legacy of the COP26 Youth Climate Programme
During 2021 and 2022, we worked in partnership with Young Scot and YouthLink Scotland on the COP26 Scottish Youth Climate Programme. The programme helped ensure that young people are able to play a key role in Scotland’s response to the climate emergency, and that youth workers and those who work with young people are equipped to support them to do so.
With extreme weather events in the news almost daily and as a legacy of Scotland having hosted the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November 2021, it has never been more important to provide opportunities for our young people to talk and learn about climate change.
The programme increased awareness of climate change and supported young people to take climate action.
The Scottish Government funded the programme which was co-designed by young people from across Scotland. Activities included networking and training events, a Youth Work Champions Group and a COP26 Local Champions Programme.
As part of the programme, we provided accredited Climate Emergency Training to young people, youth workers and people who work with young people and created this Climate Emergency Toolkit for youth workers to support young people to take climate action.
Scottish Youth Climate Programme partners@headTag>