Funding | Community Litter Hub
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Community Litter Hub

Community Litter Hub


Community groups can acquire funding or other forms of support for projects that directly and indirectly reduce litter and/or littering behaviour. Some are listed below.

Whilst we aim to keep this up-to-date there may be other funds available and fund schemes can change so these could no longer be relevant. The first four are links to search engines for funding too which may have other funding options.

SCVO Funding

Foundation Scotland

YouthLink Scotland – Youth work grants and funding search engine

Scottish Land Commission - Funding sources for work on vacant and derelict land

Your local authority, town council, parish council – sometimes these bodies have funding or support to communities such as grants.

Local businesses and organisations – many businesses and organisations want to support their local communities and may have dedicated funding for local causes.

The Community Litter Hub is delivered in partnership with: