Local groups and support | Community Litter Hub
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Community Litter Hub

Community Litter Hub

Local groups and support

There are lots of groups already working in Scotland. Many of these are mapped with a coordinator organisation, but some may not be and could be searched for on social media such as Facebook. Further to this, there are ways of getting support and building relationships with the local authority who may also be able to put you in touch with local groups.

Remember, you don’t need to join a group – you can have a look at the guidance and resources and go for it alone.


You may find events near you with one of the following organisations.

Each have advice for joining one of these cleans as well as asks for you to record your clean. Find out more about recording volunteer efforts in the Value of volunteers page.


Below are details and links to known support. If your local authority is not listed it may be worth still getting in touch to see if they can offer any support.

The Community Litter Hub is delivered in partnership with: